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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

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カテゴリ:10-line essays
生とせいとセイ【シリーズ10-line】:ツートーンカラーランプ2015 Sound people Sound world【シリーズ10-line】:人力車のオブジェ.jpg LatinVulgate【シリーズ10-line】:紅白玉子ペア


These days, gender equality is making progress superficially.
On the other hand, still, on business and social scenes, women are overwhelmingly disadvantaged.
Mainly it's because women are supposed to get pregnant and raise babies.
This is biological destiny.

I cannot say the specifications since I'm no expert of medical science,
But it's true that many women have trouble with one's periods.
When they have severe abdominal pain and various symptoms during menstruation until it causes their work to suffer,
Not only men but also women who don't suffer from those problems accuse those women that they are nuisance, or they want to goof off, and so on.

Fortunate women who have little experience of menstruation problems are able to work on an equal footing with men, and as a result, they have opportunities to succeed.
At the same time, menstruation is a part of workings of life to have babies in the future.
I've read on a photo news magazine that in the state with the largest population currently, farmland employers have forced female laborers to remove uterus because menstruation declines labor efficiency.
Don't these employers understand that they've lost future labor force and consumers?
Let me move the viewpoint to our country: If you say women's menstruation is obstacle and unwelcome, what makes difference between those Farmland employers?

I remember that both boys and girls joined together in class of Birds-and-bees at elementary school.
 But I've heard that only girls were taught about it in the past.
  I'd like to order those men ignorant about menstruation to return to elementary school and study again.
-Not only older men but also younger unenlightened men, and lucky women who don't know the burden of women's trouble and abuse other women suffering it.
In a nutshell, the fundamental problem is too many employers and older-generation company soldiers still believe that people live to work instead of work to live.

It seems to have been worldwide tendency to regard menstruation as smut.
 I saw sentences expressing it on Bible, too.
  It's men's contradicting theory.
   In history, men rule society, and society work on the assumption that only men consist of society.
And men have nothing to do about menstruation and pregnancy from the beginning, which is also biological destiny
, as is written in Chapter 30 of Jeremiah to ask now and see whether a man can bear a child.
However, are MEN not responsible for pregnancy and childbirth? This is NEVER right -don't men understand?
Spontaneous pregnancy without involving men is impossible -except for Virginal conception.
Talking about Bible, I wonder till when they adhere to the theory that menstruation is a divine punishment on women for committing original sin.
Reportedly, Eve was coaxed by the snake into eating fruits from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and as a result, women were sentenced to lose blood from their body every month.
Religion aside... women have to be wary if their partners or lovers are illiterate about the fact and women's health.
Because all those men care about is fulfillment of lust, and they are unconcerned about its result.
 They will also become husbands and fathers who neglect family.
  Also: Women need to pay attention to their health.
   For example, period pain can come from actual illness.

At the same time, things are not hopeless.
These days, while Authorities still seem to be conservative and negative about sex education, new trial of gender education is going on.
Such as: Special lessons by gynecology doctors teaching about menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth.
When this Special lesson about women's health took place at an all-male high school, media took up as a topic.

After those students graduate and join society, will they solve gender difference in cognition about women's health?
Or will women and men be still conflicting over women's health twenty years later?
We need to wait and see the effect and result of those new education.

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2024年05月19日 10時36分00秒
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