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Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

いいね! --/--










カテゴリ:10-line essays
まず大人から【シリーズ10-line】:マルビル?いえアロマランプ0001.jpg 必ず選挙に行きましょう【シリーズ10-line】:和風インテリアランプ 油の雫の輪_240616 Sera o caos Sera a luz【シリーズ10-line】貝のリース 縦.jpg EARTHSONG【シリーズ10-line〕:松ぼっくり 

1. Under nationwide poverty and earnings differentials, gaps are widening between children who can and cannot enjoy experiential activities outside of school,
Such as club activities at school, family trips, appreciating arts, culture lessons, and so on.
This new kind of differential is drawing attention as a new social issue.

When I heard a radio column about this disparity issue, a preposterousness came up:
 How about inviting those children to attending sessions of the Diet?
  Those children could learn that all that Panjandrums care about is how to exploit tax from general public shrewdly and benefit themselves and their hangers-on, and those assemblies have been elected by adults including their parents
-Or more like by their grandparents, since there are higher proportion of elderly in voters now.
Even if they are too young to understand social and politics system, at least they might be amazed how dare those assemblies nod while children are scolded if they doze off at school lessons.
Today, I'm not questioning what about children who are forced entrance exams preparatory schools and enrichment schools against their wishes, or children who have parents, especially fathers who have no willing to support their children and spend all the income for their own pleasure.

2. At upcoming Exposition-hosting city, they are closing down vehicle roads and setting up traffic-free areas at the biggest street in this City.
Why don't they provide bicycle lanes instead of pedestrians' paradise?
This City is notorious for bad traffic manners, and safety measures is necessary for pedestrians and cyclists.
-Well... on the second thought, if they reduce roadways, terrible traffic jams will come up here and there with buses to Exposition site.

3. Sometimes, massive natural disasters generate refugees.
Now those natural disasters are caused by climate changes due to global warming.
In those cases, those natural disasters are partly human-made disasters, but it's not what to question today.
On the other hand, wars and political disorders bring about numerous refugees, too.

Now and then, there are worldwide arguments what to do with those refugees.
Isn't it far more important to prevent generating refugees by war and make them live safely in their home countries?
-Easier said than done? I know that.
Amid the chaos, I'm leaving here that I'm afraid it's necessary to recommend them to refrain from choosing our state to escape to.
As is already spoken ill, this Nation expects international visitors only to bring money as sightseeing tourists or as cheap labor.
While they elevate daibaasithi superficially, they want to maintain ethnically homogeneous nation state forever, and try to eliminate heterogeneity from their community.
If foreigners make discrimination claims or don't worship this State, this Nation will make spiteful counterattacks and tell to go home
, as online postings frequently say.
Besides: Have you ever heard about real state about Training program system in this State which is actually cotemporally slavery?
Some companies really contribute to human resource development, but in reality, unscrupulous companies make bad use of this System and treat International trainees like disposable items.
Female trainees are often abused as sexual plaything by employers and coworkers.
Those discarded foreign laborers can have nowhere to go, and sometimes descend to criminals.
Due to this problem, our nation acts more and more exclusive.
In order to stop this malignant circle, we have to get rid of such a shameful Slavery system, which goes without saying.
Also: It's desperately necessary to request people who plan to come to our state as laborer -except for certain specialists such as foreign language teacher:
Think twice well which is important, money or your life.
Just our nation is enough to be exploited by our state.

(Translation: Unable-to-think-up-handle)

:Ready to place summery if asked


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最終更新日  2024年06月25日 19時14分51秒
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