Bigpictureさんから、いい分析が出ている、(訳は適当に端折っているのでアシカラズ)Monoline Duoline Rescue Plan: 5th Time the Charm? (5回目のデュオライン救済プランはまともなものなのか?) Monday, February 25, 2008 | 07:17 AM(注意、ブロガーはモノラインのことをデュオライン、債券と証券を扱っているので、と称している、造語ね、)A few issues seem to be getting you may have overlooked in the kneejerk reaction to this. Let's see if we can identify some more interesting elements: (モノライン救済で見落としてはいけない点を掲げておこう、)1) This is the fifth such rumor in 2008, and I'm not sure why that is. Is it wishful thinking, or have the other deals have fallen apart -- for good reason, too? (2008年に入ってこれで5回目だが何か理由があるのだろうか) We had the initial rumor over a month ago (Next on the Worry List: Shaky Insurers of Bonds); that was a $15 Billion dollar bailout. Then came the Wilbur Ross Ambac rescue plan. Another bank consortium plan came and went. Lastly, the Buffett offer, which was widely misrepresented as Berkshire (BRK'A) injecting money, when Buffett merely offered to sell reinsurance to the monolines duolines. (モノラインの最初の救済案は1ヶ月前、その後、銀行団が来ては消えた、先日のバフェットなどを含め、今回で実は5回目になる、)2) The current rescue operation is for but $3B. This small sum is intriguing -- not just relative to the prior rumors. First, the duolines have potential exposure anywhere from $30 to $75 billion dollars. On top of that, the bank's counterparty and hedging exposure has been estimated at $150B to $200B. Can $3B really solve this problem? (次に、今回の救済プランはたった30億ドルだ、 モノラインの損失予想額は300-750億ドルなのに、 そして銀行の損失額は約1500-2000億ドルだ、 たった30億ドルで済むと思うほうがおかしいのだが?)3) From the FT:Banks to aid Ambac with up to $3bn (FTの記事から)The banks looking at supporting Ambac include Citigroup (C), Wachovia (WB), Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Société Générale, BNP Paribas, UBS and Dresdner. They have the most exposure to guarantees supplied by Ambac on structured bonds and derivatives, the value of which could fall sharply, resulting in billions of dollars of writedowns if the insurer's credit ratings drop far below the triple-A level. (救済申し出の銀行はシティー、ワコビア、バークレー、ロイヤルスコットランド、ソシエテジェネラル、パリバ、UBS、ドレスナー、だ、 これらはいずれもアムバックに保証してもらっている仕組み債を多く保有している先ばかりだ、以下略)Hence, the banks who are Part of the rumored consortium are (of course!) the ones who have the most to lose if any of the Duolines fail. This is not so much a bailout as a possible attempt to kick the can down the road. They have the most exposure to guarantees supplied by Ambac on structured bonds and derivatives, the value of which could fall sharply, resulting in billions of dollars of writedowns if the insurer's credit ratings drop far below the triple-A level. (要はアムバックの格付けが落ちれば多額の損失が出る銀行が今回救済を申し出たということ、)What's truly bizarre is that a dozen banks spending three large may actually be a relatively good deal for them, if it avoids a quarter trillion in writedowns. (マッタク奇妙な話しだが、多くの銀行が2500億ドルにのぼると言われる貸倒れをしないで済むなら、よいビジネスが継続できると!?、虫が良すぎるのだ、) 4) Coincidence or good timing? Look who's expected to report writedowns this week: Fannie Mae (FNM), Freddie Mac (FMC), Lehman (LEH), Morgan and Goldman Sachs (GS), and Royal Bank of Scotland. (最後に、今週というタイミングを見てほしい、これは偶然だろうか、一体誰が今週末、貸倒れを発表しなければならないかだ、 そう決算発表を控えている会社はどこかということ、 それはファニーメイ、フェディーマック、リーマン、モルガン、ゴールドマン、ロイヤルスコットランド、だ、)The bottom line: Until this deal gets done and the details are better known, its simply another in a loing string of rumors. Worse yet is what it means: Banks have so much derivative exposure they are willing to throw away $3 billion to prevent the counter-parties from getting a ratings agency downgrade. (押さえておくべきは、悪いことに銀行は多額のデリバティブの損失を抱えているということ、そして30億ドルくらいで少しでも延期できるなら恩の字ということだ、)この分析から見るなら、特に最後のクダリ、"貸倒を今期の決算で計上したくない"、ココにかかっているのではと、 そう時間稼ぎなワケダ、そういう目で、しばらくモノライン格付け問題を眺めてみようか、 投資銀行の決算期間は12-2月である、