ここ数日はくしゃみと、微熱に悩まされている、それでもジムは休まない、昨日はストレッチの後、プールに入ったが途中で寒気がして泳ぎは断念、帰ってきて、ボーっとしながらNYとオバマの演説を見ていた、 1)は小売の売り上げとPPIの指標による、下記の通り、 The big decline in March sales was a disappointment. The increases in January and February sales had temporarily ended a freefall in consumer spending during the second half of 2008. People seemed to be braving a pitiless job market and pulling out their wallets again, which is good for the economy. Consumer spending makes up 70% of gross domestic product, the broad measure of economic activity.1、2月が比較的良かっただけにショックが大きい、国内消費はGDPの70%を占めるだけに他指標への影響が懸念される、 軒並みマイナスで、過去5年の履歴を見ると、 前月が良かっただけに失望もひとしお、 次はPPI、 これはデフレのサインだ、いよいよ実体経済を表し始めた、2)の上げは、 スキージャンプ台に登るイメージ、高さは8027.54、(登っているのはGMの車かーー、) 3)でオバマが演説Economic Recovery Planを開始する、 が事前に内容は配布されているのでサプライズはなし、要約すると、「皆さん、国に金はありません、これからは清貧で行きましょう、」演説終了後はダダ下げ、 アト、GSの直近の株価動向をBespokeから見ておこう、 Goldman Top Ticks the MarketWhen Goldman Sachs (GS) announced earnings and a $5 billion equity offering following Monday's close instead of in the morning on Tuesday, many asked what the rush was to release the news. After today's trading, now we know. By announcing the equity offering after Monday's close, they were able to strike while the market was at a post March 9th high and sell stock for $123 per share. If they had waited until this morning to release the news and announce the offering, the company would probably have had to wait until at least after the close to price the offering. And with a 2% decline in the S&P 500 and a lousy retail sales report, it's hard to imagine that investors would have been as willing to pay $123 per share. With the stock closing at $115.11, the $5 billion stock that Goldman sold is now only worth $4.67 billion. なぜGSが一日早めて、前日(4/13)の引け後に決算発表したか、ひとえに増資の株価を高めることにあると、もし、当日(4/14)に発表したら、小売やPPIの経済指標/オバマ演説を見聞きして、投資家は引けまで株価を見据えたかも知れない、増資の株価は寄り付き、小売指標の発表を受けながらも、123$で決定、そして、引けは115$、50億ドルは一日で46.7億ドルになった、 Congratulation Goldman Sacks !!