タイミングがいいのだが、 月曜日、POMOで$8.3Bの国債を買上げて、 FEDがついにトップになった、Well, folks, it's official - mark November 22, 2010 in your calendars - today is the day the Ponzi starts in earnest. With today's $8.3 billion POMO monetization, the Fed's official holdings of US Treasury securities now amount to $891.3 billion, which is higher than the second largest holder of US debt: China, which as of September 30 held $884 billion, and Japan, with $864 billion. The Beginning Of The Ponzi End: As Of Today, The Biggest Holder Of US Debt Is Ben BernankeFED8913億ドルで、2位の中国8840億ドル(9/末)を抜く、3位は日本8640億ドル、And congratulations to China for finally not being the one having the most to lose on a DV01 basis on that day when the inevitable surge in interest rates finally happens. That honor is now strictly reserved for America's taxpayers. とりあえず、保有国一番から落ちた中国には「おめでとう」を言おうか、 が、まもなく始まる国債金利の高騰に備えなければならない、そのつけは税金として国民に回ってくる、6m こーいうのも、Kucinichなら、(11/30の公聴会で、)バーナンキに遠慮なく突っ込んできそーな予感、翌日は、例の公表を控えて、彼の心境はいかに、 参考)Regulatory Reform Implementation September 30, 2010Chairman Ben S. BernankeBefore the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 抜粋でUnder a framework established by the act, the Federal Reserve will, by December 1, provide detailed information regarding individual transactions conducted across a range of credit and liquidity programs over the period from December 1, 2007, to July 20, 2010. This information will include the names of counterparties, the date and dollar value of individual transactions, the terms of repayment, and other relevant information. 連邦準備制度理事会は、12月1日までに、2007年12月1日から2010年7月20日までの期間の信用と流動性プログラムの範囲で行われた個々の業務に関して、詳細な情報を提供します。この情報には、取引先の名前、日付と個々の業務、返済の条件と他の関連した情報を含みます。