昨夜は、ダウが2回のPOMOで超絶再生するも、マイナス引け、ナスは最高値更新、でZHにこんなのがあった、Even as the S&P closed modestly positive, there is yet another indicator added to all the other "massively overbought" technical signs we have discussed recently: namely the cumulative TICK. S&P Closes Green Even As S&P (And Nasdaq) Cumulative TICK Closes Well Into The Redナスダック引けの累積のTICKがマイナスだとか、 TICKが意味不なので、早速、Brett Steenbargerで調べてみると、 Why? The NYSE TICK represents, at any given moment, the net number of stocks in the broad market that are trading at their offer prices minus those trading at their bids. When the NYSE TICK becomes very positive, it means that traders are lifting offers in the broad market: buyers are quite aggressive. When the TICK becomes very negative, it means that traders are hitting bids in the broad market: sellers are very aggressive. フムフム、TICKとは、Offer(売り)数とBid(買い)数の差で正味の株数、 TICKがプラスの場合、買い手が強く、マイナスの場合、売りが強い、 で上のチャートを眺めると、昨日のナスは、高値更新にも関わらず、TICKはマイナス、これの意味するところは? So how does explain this very apparent divergence between underlying buying, or as the case may be, selling pressure, and actual price dynamics? We wish we could tell you. At this point, with no volume, little volatility, stock markets are increasingly the plaything of those who continue to dabble in vol and other Greek letters. It is merely another indication that contrary to actual bid/offer interest, the market continues to do what the marginal market maker decides. In a normal world, we would claim there is some risk for a substantial reversion to the mean. However, for that to happen it would require at least some participation by trading interests which are not aligned with that of the Fed. And at last check, and following an endless equity fund stream of outflows, such did not exist. ボラが少なく、低ボリュームでは、オーナーの思うとおりの株価操作が可能となる、が逆に、株価は、本来の株価に戻ろうとするリスクに常に付きまとわれる、こちらは今月のSPとナスのTICK、 TICKがマイナスでも、高値を更新しているが、地下では売りのマグマがフツフツと煮えたぎっている、ドーりで、POMOのアトの売られ方が半端じゃない、5 minute そのPOMO、昨夜の2回のオペで、 POMO #2 Closes: Stocks Jump As Fed Is Nickels Away From Breaking $1 Trillion In Treasury HoldingsFEDはイヨイヨ米国債$1Trホルダーに王手をかけた、で、これをドー見るか、まずは10年国債の動き(日足)に着目、 2日間続いたリバウンドが継続するか?それとも、 国債金利上昇(価格下落)と、TICKのマイナスに対抗するPOMO、 POMOを続けるのも大変なわけだ、