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【不眠症カフェ】 Insomnia Cafe

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英作家ジョン・ル・カレに聞く なぜ「政治家はカオスが大好き」なのか BBC
​ John le Carré:
'Politicians love chaos - it gives them authority'​
2019年10月16日 12:17 公開

最新作「Agent Running in the Field」(「野を走るエージェント」の意味)は、ル・カレ氏にとって25作目の小説だ。発売翌日に88歳になるル・カレ氏は、これまで長いこと「愛国心」とは何かを見つめ続けてきた。そのこだわりは年を経るごとに薄れるどころか、ますます鮮明になってきた。この小説はブレグジット(イギリスの欧州連合離脱)に関する粗雑な物語ではない。しかし、全編を通じて容赦なく、この国がどういう国で、この混乱によって今後どういう国になり得るのか、さりげなく、かつ執拗(しつよう)に問い続けている。
ル・カレ作品は、あえて難問を問いかける。「もしMI6が、偶然にしろ狙ったことにしろ、トランプがロシアで本当にひどいことをやらかしていたと、絶対的に否定のしようがない証拠を手にしたとする。その情報を、MI6はどうするだろう? そして、ついでに言えば、この国の首脳陣はどうするだろう?」。
最新作の構成は、これまでの数々の傑作と同じように実に緻密だ。そしてその精緻な構造の背景には、不安が潜んでいる。そういう難しい状況でMI6は、イギリス政府はどうするだろう? その問いかけへの答えが、もう以前とは違うのではないか。そういう不安だ。
「Agent Running in the Field」は10月17日、ペンギンブックスより刊行。
(英語記事 John le Carré: 'Politicians love chaos - it gives them authority')

 ​  ーーー 英語原文 ーーー​

John le Carré: 'Politicians love chaos - it gives them authority'
By James Naughtie
BBC Radio 4's Today programme
14 October 2019

Media caption
The author's latest book is set in the political turmoil of 2018 London
Ahead of the release of his latest novel, novelist and former MI6 spy John le Carré talks to the BBC about our world leaders and why "human decency" must prevail.
A chance meeting in a badminton club, of all places. A few words. A connection made. Nat, who's disturbed by the chaotic politics of the moment, finds himself spinning a web in which he knows he'll be caught. Spies, loyalty and deceit. John le Carré is back.
His latest book, Agent Running in the Field, is his 25th novel and it reveals a writer - who'll be 88 the day after the book comes out - whose preoccupations with the meaning of patriotism haven't faded with the years, but become sharper. This is not a crude story about Brexit, but there's hardly a page in which subtle and insistent questions aren't asked about what kind of country we are, and may become, in the midst of this turmoil.
We talked at length in the summer. "It would be impossible to write at the moment without speaking from within the state of the nation - we're part of it, I'm part of it," he said. "I'm depressed by it. I'm ashamed of it and that I think communicates itself in the book."

The BBC's adaptation of the author's The Night Manager won three Golden Globes, three Baftas and two Emmys
Yet this story - "it's a book that's supposed to entertain. I believe it does. I'm a storyteller" - is as much about the past as the present. We talked about the early days, writing his breakthrough novel when he was still serving in MI6. "If I go right back to The Spy Who Came in from the Cold we're dealing with the same conflict between personal object of personal obligation and state obligation what you owe to society in its organized form."
That theme, on which he's composed so many variations over more than five decades, has become more disturbing through the years. The strange simplicities of the Cold War - the two sides knew each other for what they were - have given way to a more puzzling mix of loyalties. For a writer like le Carré, it's as if events have conspired, painfully, to make his point.
He's never afraid to pose the most difficult questions. "If MI6, by accident or design, came upon absolutely irrefutable evidence that Trump had been up to no good in a big way in Russia, what would they do with that intelligence? And, incidentally, what would our leaders do?"
Behind the intricacies of this story, cut from the same cloth as many of his finest books, lies a fear that such questions can't be answered in the way they once were. He produces, as ever, some sparkling throwaway lines that spring off the page. The president of Russia and the United States are talking, and Putin "smiled his jailer's smile".

Russia's President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump met at the G20 Osaka Summit in June
A talk with le Carré is always invigorating. He fizzes with an energy that gets its power from observation, gossip, a fascination with character and from anger too. A long conversation is always punctuated by hilarious anecdotage, delivered with the relish of a true raconteur, but also a sense of melancholy and loss.
We talked about George Smiley - his great character, who made a cameo appearance at the end of his last book, A Legacy of Spies, lamenting the fragmentation of the cultural Europe he'd thought he was defending, and about Peter Guillam who, in that book, also loses some of his faith.
"Both of them were looking at Britain from outside. Both of them had given an enormous chunk of their lives to spying for the cause. Now they're wondering in that book - and indeed in the present book the protagonists are wondering - whether they actually gave their lives for the right cause whether the cause exists anymore."
This explains this novelist's impatient energy, because he shares that angst, especially about the Europe that fascinated him from teenage days, when he fell in love with Germany, its language and culture. It's a place to which his mind is always turning.

(L-R) Actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth and le Carré attended the 2011 film premiere of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in 2011
I mentioned that, without giving away much about the plot, it was a book about the nature of decency.
"Funnily enough, it's a word that is used more in the German language than our own these days. It's actually a concept deeply-rooted in German culture and even in their medieval stories, where it's finally the secret. They have had to learn moderation and decency in their lives. And they have to emerge as decent men and curiously enough I think in every book of mine, indecent as I may be in my own life they emerge as decent men, and that is the longing that lies behind the sad truth.
"The longing, and that is a kind of romanticism."
He talked about love of country and his despair at what he considers narrow nationalism - "quite different from patriotism. For nationalism you need enemies."

Le Carré says politicians want to 'fix' the 'chaos'
For a writer who has always enjoyed juggling the obligations of personal loyalty with public duty, it's natural that the current state of politics has given him a kind of painful excitement. It's what he's been on about all this time.
"What really scares me about nostalgia is that it's become a political weapon. Politicians are creating a nostalgia for an England that never existed, and selling it, really, as something we could return to."
And for the political class, a disdain that grows with the years.
"Politicians love chaos. Don't ever think otherwise. It gives them authority, and it gives them power. It gives them profile. The idea that they'll fix it for you." He despairs about what he believes is absolutism on the political right and left, libertarian and Leninist with the same objective. To start again after the chaos.
We return to the book, and its theme - an unashamedly romantic one, that has run through all is work.
'It was Smiley's. Amidst all this turmoil all these lies, and all this dissembling and all that rewriting of history, human decency has to survive."
Agent Running in the Field is published on 17 October by Penguin Books


最終更新日  2019.10.16 14:04:23
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🔴 【ベトナム戦争 サイゴン駐在時の想い出】


🔴 【ウクライナ戦争・ロシア】


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A 【米国】




C 【CAR】車


C 【知的生産・情報カード】


D 【ダンス・バレー】【フィギュアスケート】


E 【情報機器・家電・TV・ブルーレイ】


E 【エネルギー・資源・環境】 原発・太陽光発電・原油・水


E 【食物 飲み物】


E【英語】英単語 英語表現




H【野球  阪神タイガース】


H 【人類・人類史・ 脳科学・人種・民族】




IL 【生活情報・実用情報】


K【韓国】【北朝鮮】反日 慰安婦 徴用工 ベトナム虐殺


L 【言語】【日本語】【他言語】


L 【人生】【死生観】




M【映画】 女優


N【北朝鮮】安全保障 拉致問題








OE【東欧】および 東欧での想い出


OE 【英国】および 英国での思い出


OF【フランス】および フランスでの思い出








R 【人種差別】米国黒人 反捕鯨








T【旅行】 海外・国内 海外移住


V 【過去ログ 迫田さおり選手 その1】


V 【過去ログ 迫田さおり選手 その2】


W【戦争】 原爆・戦争責任・戦争犯罪









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