Approximately 1 week ago, I sowed a zinnia and the seed of the flower called the emperor shellwork with a cosmos plonk. The emperor shellwork is Strawflower or Helichrysum bracteatum (Venten) Andr. The generic name becomes "helios" (the sun) of the Greek from "chrysos Friday". I am originally from the dry zone of Western Australia. It sprouts in a few days probably because they were warm, and two kinds of pretty buds appear now. Flower language. a zinnia plonk: Peace, emperor shellwork: Eternity
一週間ほど前に、コスモスと、ポンポン百日草と、帝王貝細工という花の種を蒔きました。 暖かかったせいか、数日で芽生えてきて、今は2種類のかわぃぃ芽が出ています。 すくすくと伸びるように、大事に育てようと思います。♪
Last updated
June 1, 2008 07:23:06 PM
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