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アンジェラ7777♪のSecond House♪

アンジェラ7777♪のSecond House♪

いいね! --/--


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September 6, 2008
 I went.
I thought that you should have been able to hear it from the Haruomi Hosono area, but it was from the middle of the performance of Kazumasa Oda that I calmed a waist.

aa. . While becoming diffident in live broadcasting after a long absence. ]. ・ ・ *) ...

Music played last, "today somewhere" of Kazumasa Oda very bare; was a text by chance.   If is good, read while listening; is nerdy♪
     I can have it played before buying in a special site "where it is today"♪
            ⇒  K.ODA TOUR 2008 :  http://www.k-oda2008.com/index.html

 It has been "helped before I noticed" it

 Over and over again and from now on

 I came across innumerable gentleness

 A good old smile floats and disappears

 Somebody always watches you
 I yearn for you somewhere today

 And I come across you and love
 I forgive each other's it, and we are connected

 Transparent light does not discriminate

 I make progress with morning to all people

 Do not hesitate about the one step anymore

 Somebody surely takes it

 This only one degree short life
 I may meet how much people  

 With really important people
 Under the irreplaceable person and this large sky

 The rain continuing to fall stops before long

 The blue sky where I hid in opens forever

 Somebody always watches you
 Your thing yearns somewhere today

 And I come across you and love
 I forgive each other's it, and we are connected

 Somebody always watches you
 Your thing yearns somewhere today

 And I come across you and love
 I forgive each other's it, and we are connected

When it was told this song in that clear voice, I was impressed;]. --*) uu.

As for the text of other songs, empty this place;]. ^^ *)  ⇒  http://listen.jp/store/wordList_1007656.htm

Though it was nobody's fan, and there was in particular the group which I did not hear of the first half,

The sound that I heard inside than the sound that I heard from the outside was much better.

So as I wait for "a little, and to want to say with ..." even if I listen at the time of performance of Kazumasa Oda in particular outside. . A sound was good;]. --*)w is made, and, as for the music, sound is important.

  An official site of Kazumasa Oda :  http://www.fareastcafe.co.jp/

Does the group of "rei harakami" say environmental music; fusion system]? A feeling called ・ ・ *). Is it a composer? The figure which played a sound with a mixer hard was impressive. It seems to be played an active part worldwide.


Progress, the last lapis lazuli to vomit become the bird according to the timetable afterwards; a group of the front of it,

"The Real Group ,"
It was Swedish a cappella, five man and woman groups. It was good as such.
But so that there is it in paste paste ... all the time; a little. .  Well, I read a book and came when I watched the opposite next;]. бб*)

I see

  Of such time spend it, and is good, too. .  Think so; and as for me the draft of the writing. . I took out a memo paper and thought about a continuance. 。。. A writing brush advanced a little whether you adopted it.

The sunlight of the ぉ positive softens by time in dusk of the evening, and the turf which breathed the rain which I waved a little in the afternoon smells of the green grass and. .
BGM of the live performance. .
Yes. ♪] which was situation good comparatively / *) Therefore I wrote it until little that a day declined to even if a の performance began around.  

For these past several days, I felt relieved a little all the time as this did not progress.

Thanks ♪] ^ 人 ^ *)

And, in the last, Haruomi Hosono appeared for the encore that there cannot have been, and I "collected wind, and" it was played .

I think that this time may have swelled most while I heard it.

From the circumference, cool ~~♪ or various shouts of joy, a queer cry were finished.

At the same time there were many people who shook a smile and a body;]. ^^ *)

It is thanks on 1st good some other time;]. ^ 人 ^ *)♪




とても素適な歌詞でした。  良かったら、聴きながら読んでくださぃな♪
            ⇒ K.ODA TOUR 2008  : http://www.k-oda2008.com/index.html

 『 気づかないうちに助けられてきた

 何度も 何度も そしてこれからも

 数えきれない やさしさに出会ってきた

 なつかしい笑顔が 浮かんでは消えてゆく

 誰かが いつも 君を見ている

 巡り合って そして 愛し合って
 許しあって 僕らはつながってゆくんだ

 透きとおる 光が分け隔てなく

 すべての人たちに 朝を運んでくる

 その一歩を もう ためらわないで

 誰かが きっと 受け止めてくれる

 いちどきりの 短いこの人生
 どれだけの人たちと 出会えるんだろう 

 ほんとうに 大切な人たちと
 かけがえのない その人と この広い 空の下で



 誰かが いつも 君を見ている

 巡り合って そして 愛し合って
 許し合って 僕らは つながってゆくんだ

 誰かが いつも 君を見ている
 今日もどこかで君のこと 想っている

 巡り合って そして 愛し合って
 許し合って 僕らは つながってゆくんだ


ほかの歌の歌詞はコチラカラ。]^^*) ⇒ http://listen.jp/store/wordList_1007656.htm



特に小田和正さんの演奏のときは、外で聴いていても、"チョット待って~" と言ぃたくなるほど。。音が良かったです。]--*)>コッソリw  やぱり、音楽は、サゥンド大事です。


   ⇒ K.ODA TOUR 2008  : http://www.k-oda2008.com/index.html        

  小田和正さんの公式サイト : http://www.fareastcafe.co.jp/

『 rei harakami 』 さんのグループは、環境音楽とぃぅか、フュージョン系?]・・*)とぃぅ感じ。コンポーザー?ミキサーを一生懸命に音を奏でている姿が印象的でした。世界的にも活躍されているそぅです。



『The Real Group 』 は、
でもずっとノリノリ~で居るにはチョットタイクツカモ。 で、反対のぉ隣さんを見ると、本を読んでいらした。]бб*)


 そゅ時間のすごし方もぃぃなぁ。。 と、私も書き物の下書きを。。と、メモ用紙を取り出して、続きを考えてみました。ふみゅふみゅ。採用するかどうかは別にして、ちょっと、筆が進みました。

夕方の日の暮れ時で、ぉ陽さまの日差しも和らいでいて、午後に少し振った雨を吸った芝は、青草のにおいがしていて。。生演奏のBGM。。ぅみゅ。なかなかぃぃシチュエィションだゎ♪]・・*) と、クルリの演奏が始まっても、日が落ちる少し前まで書いてみました。 





周りから、かっこぃぃ~~♪ とか、色んな歓声、奇声があがっていました。





Last updated  September 7, 2008 07:31:15 AM
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