【blahing 2(英日)】
keep having dreams...being aware of myself talking in my own sleep.that kinda funny peculiar vibe of being in between the reality and out there.keep doing this.all the possible length of time i have with me.it makes you lose the sense of time, day or nightquiet tranquilitycurtains shutdarkstill time and still lives and 4 live animals in the space areme and you and you and you...sorry babes, you are forced to share my kind of time here with me,but you are supposed to stay sleeping till the spring comes anyways.your owner is bloody naive, babes...telling you.knowing herself that she is gonna forget about it next week, but what she is in now is "this week", now is now,and now is soon going to be past.1 week = 1 month1 week holds the depth of 1 month, that way hasn't changedcome and goanother one is duebut a bit latecoming from a far, far placewanting to see 1 of 4 animals, yes, that is me.wish them time just go go and goi kinda hate this time of the year.idiot vibes n anotha new year jus opens up as usual n soon after one year added to ma age n anotha idiot vibe event comesbut somehow, i like spring...i wasn't born in spring, but seems to gimme good vibes, yes, the spring does, indeed.n for others, too.was like that last time.should be the same this time.n thank god or not, im gonna be in the same place, still.a bit of record.this original circulation of ma ownmaybe hard to be understoodbut everything, it's all needed by my soullaziness is required as one of the qualities of ma styleexcuse me, it doesn't work like yours.---------------------------------------アトヅケ和訳夢ヲミツヅケル・・・自分ガ寝言言ッテルノガワカル現実トアッチノ世界ノ狭間ニイルアノオカシナ独特ナカンジコレヲシ続ケルノ私ニ与エラレタ可能ナ限リノ時間ヲ時間ノ感覚、昼間ナノカ夜ナノカ、感覚ヲ失ワサセル静カナル静寂カーテンハ閉ザサレ暗イ動カナイ時間ト、静物ト、コノ空間ノ4ツノ生物ハ私トアナタトアナタトアナタ・・・ゴメンネベイビチャン、ココデ私風ナ時間ノ共有ヲ強イラレテルワネ,デモアナタ達ハトニカク春ガ来ルマデ寝テルコトニナッテルシ。アナタ達ノオーナーハネ、トッテモナイーヴナノ、ベイビチャン・・・ネ彼女ハサ、知ッテルノ、ソンナコト次ノ週ニハ忘レルコトデモ彼女ガ今居ルノハ「今ノ週」ナノネ、今ハ今ナノネ、デ、今ハスグニ過去ニナルノ。1週間=1ヶ月1週間ガ1ヶ月ノ深サヲ持ッテル、ソレハ変ワッテナイネ来ルモノ行クモノモウ1件来ルヨモウスグチョット遅メダケドネ遠イ遠イ場所カラ来ルノ4ツノ生物ノ内ノ1ツニ会イタイカラ、ソウ、私ノコト、早ク行ッテ行ッテ行ッテヨ1年ノ中ノコノ時期ナンカ嫌イナンダヨネ馬鹿臭エ雰囲気トサ、デイツモ通リ新年ガ来テサ、デ、マタスグ私ノ歳ニ1個足サレテサデ、マタ馬鹿臭エ行事ガ来ルデモナンダロネ、春ガ好キナノヨ・・・春ニ生マレタンジャナイケドサ、デモ良イカンジクレル、ソウ、春ハソウ、全クソウ。ソシテ他ノ者ヘモネ。ソンナカンジダッタ、前回。今回モソウナルハズ。デ、感謝スベキカ否カマダ同ジ場所ニイル予定。チョットシタ記録。コノ私ダケノオリジナルナ循環多分理解サレ難イデモ、全テ、全テ私ノ魂ガ必要トシテル怠慢ハ私流ノ質ノ内ノ一ツトシテ必要トサレテルスンマセン、アナタ達ノヨウニハ行カナイノ