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癲狂院  Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

癲狂院 Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

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Aug 19, 2006
緑ハート緑ハート A Hip Hop Dance Music 緑ハート緑ハート

Hip Hop Madness !!
Great cast but Jessica Alba earns the movie the 5 stars 星星星星星
She did gr8 and the movie is gr8 because of her (and the rest of the cast) no matter what anyone says. 赤ハート赤ハート
It's a very fun movie, ALL THAT MATTERS !!
If you like hip hop and you like a movie that has a positive message, you'll ハート(手書き) the movie.かちんこ
If not, you'll probably still like it unless you're too stubborn to admit it.
Thanks to all that made the movie !!!!!

"Honey " is a feel good movie about hip hop dancing.音符音符
This MOVIE is a black hispanic girl who works in a music store, as a bartender and a hip hop class teacher who wants to be discovered in the music industry...コンビニ
After being in a music video and choreographing several of them, she realizes she doesn't have time for her family and friends..
.. and finally quits after her boss tries to make a move on her.しょんぼり
She wanted the neighborhood kids who had awesome dance moves to be in a video of hers too but after they couldn't..
..She decides to buy a dance studio after the community centre where she used to teach is being torn down and wants to raise money at a charity concert for it. 学校.....マル秘

This is a really cool movie though. 雫
Honey is an amazing dancer.!!
The story has a wonderful message about making it "On Your Own Terms".

【Jessica Alba】Honey [Full Screen Edition]
Jessica Alba sHINEsきらきら きらきら
I ハート(手書き) her in her series Dark Angel.
You should definitely check this movie out.!!
They had a lot of cameos like tweet 指輪 , missy elliot, ginuwine, shawn desman, 3rd story.

I reckon Honey IS THE BEST FILM I HAVE Seen in a long time.
The movie is nice and uplifting, with a good ending.
There is a lot of singing and dancing going on, hip-hop stuff ダブルハート
Hip-hop dancing is CooxxxxL 雫...they should have more movies like this...
...and Jessica has such a pretty smile, I would watch a movie just to see her smile, she's soooooo Gorgeous.黄ハート黄ハート

I really hope that they make a sequel to this movie.  It Rocks !!
There are a lot of cool cameos.
The best being from Missy Elliot.
There's nothing that I dont love about this movie.
I would definitely recommend that you buy it.
Jessica Alba shines once again.ちょき
Can't wait to see her in "The Deep Blue" next summer.荒波
This was an inspiring movie and since I'm an emotional person, I almost cried. 泣き笑い
If you wanna learn moves, watch this.目 Go for it !!

Jessica inspired me to go for my goals in life like she did !!


Last updated  Aug 19, 2006 08:47:55 AM
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