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癲狂院  Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

癲狂院 Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

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Sep 9, 2006
18禁 Another Dimension in Reality 18禁

鍵 Revenge for her friends rape, nail designs, and outfits...
"Showgirls " is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
People who dislike it have either missed its message entirely or, more likely, have been made overwhelmingly uncomfortable by it because of its implications on their own lives (as in the case of the critics who panned it).右矢印マル左矢印
Paul Verhoeven is a cinematic genius.ショック
This film is a commentary about the entertainment industry & power relationships among the genders unlike any other I have ever seen.
Everything that Verhoeven wants to say is said visually -- a sign of true directing genius. ぺんぎん

Don't think this is a sex film.
Whenever I watch this with friends, straight guys, they soon get bored...
"Not her jugglies AGAIN ," they whine, two hours down the track.下向き矢印
As the sleazy producer says to Nomi, "I'm erect, why aren't you erect? "
'Cause in this movie sex changes from a discreet act that you can "have"..失恋
.. Somehow separate from everything else you do, into a metaphysical principle that saturates the world, so that, suddenly, everything is sex..

.. It closes around you and abolishes your erogenous zones in favour of a polymorphous animism in which everything is a sex organ & every moment is the brink of some new, unprecedented sort of orgasm.雫
Desire & pleasure become totally immanent, part of every gesture or remark.上矢印下矢印上矢印下矢印
"You got low self-esteem, baby... You're an excellent f**k."
【Elizabeth Berkley】Showgirls
The most Eotic, best Acted, well-thought-of 90's Movie... 雫雫

Face it people, no matter how much this movie you didn't approve of, it's a classic sleazy dimension into the life of greasy pigs ぶた behind the scenes pimping women off their looks & vulnerablity.右矢印右矢印右矢印ビデオ
Some women are lawyers, doctors, and secretaries but some end up showgirls.
The true issue behind this film is the sleaze...ノート
I will tell my audience that it's a movie associated with envy, lust, rape and lies which make up another dimension in reality....

For those who didn't see "Showgirls " because of all the hype around the Saved by the Bell star , check it out.グッド
There is more to the movie than just her.
Be forewarned, there are two versions of this film floating around.
One is the original NC-17 version and the other is an edited R rated version.
Do not settle for the R version 18禁 -- you will be missing so much of the film.目
Don't let the wussy critics prevent you from seeing this movie gr8. !!
Watch it for yourself and then decide.

Shows the ups and downs of Vegas' allure and illustrates one's journey to self-discovery... 黄ハート赤ハート青ハートピンクハート緑ハート


Last updated  Sep 10, 2006 02:25:45 PM
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