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癲狂院  Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

癲狂院 Vixen Owl Cigar..。o○

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Dec 30, 2006
Heads will roll... Hallowe'en いなずまいなずまいなずまいなずまいなずま

どくろ Be Careful What You Listen to... it might Kill You !!!!
右矢印目左矢印 3 years ago, one of my friends invited me over to his house to watch a movie, this movie was called The Evil Dead.. Well about 15 minutes into the movie, I decided that I didn't want to watch it, I have somewhat of a short attention span, and besides, I would much rather have been playing Mega Man X on his Super Nintendo.. Well I never did get to watch the rest of the movie, years after that I only got to see snippets of the movie, but I did watch the sequel to it.. So just a couple of months ago when I stayed in a hotel with a small selection of movies for rental, The Evil Dead caught my eye, so I decided to give it the chance that I never gave it, and man was I in for a shocker !!!!!

OK so solve this equation for me; what do you get when you have Bruce Campbell, a bunch of no name actors, a cabin in the forests of Tennessee, and plenty of Oatmeal, Milk and colored water ?
If you guessed "The Evil Dead ", then you are correct.
That may sound like a strange list of stuff to make a movie out of, but when you have virtually no budget to work with you've gotta make the best with what you've got.下向き矢印下向き矢印
The gr8 thing about "The Evil Dead " is that the movie relies on originality much more than special effects, that's something I can't say about most modern films.

かちんこ This film deals with demonic possession, and this is executed extremely well. 台風台風台風
These demons look pretty well considering the budget, even though some of the gore looked pretty fake. お誕生日
The demons aren't all that the main characters have to face out in the woods, the trees are alive and even manage to "rape " a girl that gets caught in their evil branches that look more like small twigs. 失恋
Just expect to see a whole lot of over the top gore while watching this movie, I'd go so far as to say that some of this gore is not even needed, not many times in this movie is there just a little blood, but buckets of blood could fly in just a single scene.18禁
【Bruce Campbell】 Evil Dead 【Ellen Sandweiss】
お化け Scary, Suspenseful, Solid 80's FX... 左矢印左矢印左矢印左矢印お化け

The Evil Dead is one of my favorite horror films.
The film was made with less than $5,000.00 and I consider this film to be one of the scariest horror films ever made. 上矢印上矢印上矢印上矢印上矢印
That's quite an accomplishment for a young director with a young actor and friend Bruce Campbell using just five grand.きらきら
I think Sam Raimi knew he had a good spooky movie but not even he could have known how huge this movie would become.
"The Evil Dead " was a phenomenal block buster hit and it continues rent and sell very well to this day, nearly twenty-five years later. ダッシュ
I re-watched the movie last night and even by today's standards the film is still pretty good.
Although it didn't have the impact that it made on me the first time I saw...
The story was good and the movie freaked me out. どきどきハート
The story was as good as it gets for a scary film.
Camping, woods, demons, naive young people, chainsaw and no way out makes gr8 ingredients for a classic horror film storyline. えんぴつ

おとめ座 It goes to show that you need a good story more than all of the special effects and computer graphics that money can buy.
Some of the very best horror films are low budget films, The Evil Dead, The Blair Witch Project, Phantasm, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Tourist Trap are just a few that come to mind. ショック
The first Evil Dead film spawned two more sequels that I did not like as much as the original.
Sam Raimi did an outstanding job directing this film with what he had.
The acting was pretty good.
The story was as good as it gets.
The camera work was good too.
They had to use some imagination and innovation to come up with ways to get the camera moving through the woods at high speeds. いなずまいなずま
The make up was excellent.
These possessed girls looked freaky and scary.雫雫
It was not as good as Linda Blair's make up in the The Exorcist but close. グッド

ホテル For not having much of a budget the possessions, blood, guts and gore looked realistic and spooky.
There is plenty of it too. 荒波
The demons can only be killed by cutting off the arms, legs and heads of those possessed. はさみ
Although most areas suffered because of the very low budget the film was and still is a huge success. 星星星星星
The film was low quality, the actors and actresses were very new and it showed.
But the story, the make up, the setting the directing and demon possessions made up for it ぐー
If you like to be scared by a movie you've probably already seen this one.
If you have not seen The Evil Dead you should just to see what a motivated director can do with a solid story, very little money and a gr8 imagination.ひらめき
I give The Evil Dead five of five stars and look forward to the remake in 2007.

As you may have realized by now, this is a really gory flick.
It isn't for the weak stomached. ショック
The audience's pleasure is based solely on the pain of the main character, Ash.さそり座
バツ Try not to be drinking milk or eating oatmeal while watching this movie.
You may not be able to hold it down.下矢印下矢印下矢印下矢印
I really enjoyed this movie, and I don't know why.
Maybe it was because it is such an early film, without so much of Hollywood's special effects.
This film had to rely on its fear factor, and did a good job.グッド
I can see why this film has become such a cult classic.
Go out and rent a copy. ダッシュダッシュダッシュ
Watch it late at night.月

Get a little wacky and go down in the basement...oh wait, I wouldn't do that if I were you......


Last updated  Dec 30, 2006 03:17:00 PM
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