noflushd no good
My dear Lantank got up and down more than it should have.Strange.Why?I told it to get up once an hour.Any daemon, yes, devilish one this time, got in?I suspected that the router did some trick.Unhooked the lantank from the network.Nop, he was innocent.What's wrong?I checked into for info.An article in the bbs says that any journaling system does no good.Alright, I emacsed /etc/fstab.There, unfortunatley, were found HDDs mounted as ext3.I had to stop noflushd, immediately.# /etc/init.d/noflushd stop.Then, get it out of the automatic start list.# rm /etc/rc3.d/S80noflushd.OK, a piece of cake.Switch it off.Next day.What?Why is it getting up and down?Stranger than ever before.Well, what run level is it on?Check /etc/inittab.Aha, it gets started with run level 2.So,# rm /etc/rc2.d/S80noflushd.Now, I feel safe and secure like a cat sleeping in a cradle!