My boyfriend also has his blog and his new post's title just reminded me a poem which was emailed from my Vietnamese-American friend 3 years ago.
The Bungler You glow in my heart Like the flames of uncounted candles. But when I go to warm my hands, My clumsiness overturns the light Ant then I stumble Against the tables and chairs by Amy Lowell(1874-1925) He told me this poem always reminded him the movie 'Something About Mary' when he read the poem. He said he was just like Ben Stiller(of course in the movie) who wasn't sure how to express his feelings. He is still my good friend, but he became my special friend when I got this poem at that time. It was past thing, but this beautiful memory is still in my mind. な~んて、ちょっと感傷的な秋の思い出を書いてみました。この詩の解釈、難しいですね。いろんなネイティブの人に感想や解釈を聞きましたが、まあ、人それぞれの意見でした。でも、なんだかわかるんですね~。自分の気持ちをうまく表現できないもどかしさって。でも、異性にこんな詩をいただくとクラッときませんか?(笑) 拙い英語で申し訳ございません…。書くのはやっぱり苦手ですわ。さあ、勉強、勉強。その前に仕事へ行ってまいります。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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