On Daikan-day (the coldest day according to Japanese calendar), I took a short walk along a river. 春の花の代表格、菜の花が咲いていました。最近の暖かい陽気にだまされたのでしょうね。There were some flowers of field mustard, who might be mistaking it for spring after several such warm days. ハコベの花も・・。Starwort flowers, also .... ためらいがちに咲きはじめている白い小さな花は、タネツケバナのようです。 Tiny white flowers of lady's-smock were coming out hesitantly. 20 January 2009 / 夙川 Shukugawa Hyogo お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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