現実逃避的読書生活 : Week 1
Matilda by Roald Dahlこれはワタシが初めて何とか読み終えた英語の本で、学校の課題でなかったら、まず読まなかっただろう本。はっきり言ってイラストのお陰で何とかストーリを追えてたそんなしょうもない、苦い思い出が詰まった一冊。George’s marvelous medicine by Roald DahlDie Brüder Grimm? The ending was cruel.The last ingredient he forgot to add was the vodka.The wonderful story of Henry Sugar by Roald DahlI loved it.I loved it.I loved it.Tell me your dreams by Sidney SheldonI have a confession to make. I had never read Sidney Sheldon before. For all his reputation, I somehow avoided his books to enter my turf simply because I hated foreign words in Katakana. Same applied to World History class. How could you remember アウストラロピテクス? Anyway, Sheldon is a brilliant and stories are much easier to read than my beloved John Grisham. Now I am addicted to Sheldon. Are you afraid of the dark? by Sidney SheldonI almost stopped reading when the main characters seemed to be killed. Sheldon will never let you down. He wrapped things up the way I wanted it to be.Morning, Noon & Night by Sidney SheldonI was so close to guess what was coming at the end.The naked face by Sidney SheldonI guessed the ending right.そんなこんなでしばらく朝方人間にはなれそうにない現実逃避的読書生活の始まり