すっかり日記をサボっているうちにもう8月。キリギリスのような私に対して相方さんは規則正しい生活をし、余暇にはせっせとプラモデル作りに励み、3つ目のお船を完成させました。最後の船に至っては私の出番は本当に少なく旗とラベルくらい。早速写真でご紹介~♪上からよく見ると飛行艇が海上に。きゃあぁああ~大変!横須賀湾にCatzillaがっっっ!!皆さん、逃げて~!!!(爆)おふね、おふね、お船3姉妹?!(古っ!!!!)山城だけラベルが違うー!比叡はちゃんとしたラベルがついていたのに、山城は説明書の右上のを切って使用してくださいなんてちゃっちいので、陸奥に至ってはラベル同封されてなかったのでワタクシがエクセルで作成。ちょっと大きかった上に相方はテキトウさんなのでちょっとワタシ的にイマイチ。。。そこで山城ラベル作成&カット&ペーストもワタクシがっ!写真がぼやけちゃったので小さくUP☆*****************************My last battleship is complete, HIJMS MUTSU. Built in 1920,she was the HIJMS NAGATO`s sister ship. She was actually paid for by popular conscription, and it is said she was even more popular than the NAGATO. When she and NAGATO were built, theywere the most powerful battleships in the world. They had 8 16 inch guns, when the largest gun the British had was 15 inchand the US was 14. In fact, the US and Britain tried to make Japan scrap MUTSU, but settled instead for the chance to build ship`s with 16 inch guns. MUTSU was also very fast, 26 knots, when most US and British battleships could barely make 24!She was very pretty, and it is too bad that she met her fate so tragically. She was sunk in Japan by an explosion theysay was caused by faulty ammunition.My Yokosuka Fleet is just getting started! The battleships aredone, next willbe the aircraft carriers and cruisers that were built in Yokosuka. Hopefully, I can get them all built beforeCatzilla strikes again!