いいね! --/--


New Life 9



The white stuccoed walls of a room are turning more white because
of a glance shot in their direction and boding censure,
steeped not so much in far meadowsユ morose repose
as in the spectrumユs lack of their self-negating tincture.
A thing can be pardoned plenty. Especially where it cones,
where it reaches its end. Ultimately, oneユs unbound
curiosity about these empty zones,
about these objectless vistas, is what art seems to be all about.

ある部屋の白い化粧漆喰の壁は、益々白くなってゆく。それは、一瞥(a glance)が、それらの壁の方向へと撃たれたからであり、一瞥というものが、厳しい非難に具体的な形を与えるからだ。白い化粧漆喰の壁は、光のスペクトラムが自己否定するチンキ剤を欠いているというほどには、遥かな草原の気怠い安息に浸っているわけではない。あるもの、ひとつの事物は、豊かに赦されることができる。特に、事物が円錐形の形をとるときには、そうであり、事物がその終点、終わりに到達したときには、そうである。終には、ひとの、全く自由で無拘束の興味、好奇心、これらの複数ある空虚な領域に関するそのような好奇心、これらの目的を欠いた、対象というものの無い眺望、これが、芸術というものが巡っているその当のものなのだと思われる。

1. 淡々と解釈することがよいだろう。財宝は足下に眠っているのだから。ある部屋の白い化粧漆喰の壁は、益々白くなってゆく。それは、一瞥(a glance)が、それらの壁の方向へと投げられたからだ。投げられたと今訳したが、英語はshot、一瞥は発射され、撃たれるのだ。一瞥が撃たれる。そのような一瞥の故に、白い化粧漆喰の壁はますます白くなる。A glanceとは、Brodskyの詩作の根底にある方法論、methodologyである。この場合の詩人の位置はいつもthresholdにある。それは、そのようなところに身をおいて、社会と宇宙を測定する3人称としての私(わたくし)のことだ。
2. さて、壁が一層白くなる理由はそれだけではない。それは、一瞥というものが、厳しい非難に具体的な形を与えるからだ。Brodskyの詩集A Part of Speechの同名の詩に、このような最初の4行がある。

A list of some observations. In a certain corner, itユs warm.
A glance leaves an imprint on anything itユs dwelt on.
Water is glassユs most public form.
Man is more frightening than his skeleton.

このthresholdからは、物事は、普通ひとがそうだと思っているのとは異なり、みな逆しまに見える。そのような一瞥を放つ、shootする狩人がいるのだ。こうして考えてみると、同じ連想と発想は、既に論じたSo forthにみることができる。この詩については、ここではこれ以上立ち入らない。立ち入りたいけれども立ち入らない。今日は、この詩が主題であるから。何故Andを隠して、So Forthと題したか。A glanceを放って捕らえたものとことの名前、すなわち事物の名前を挙げたのだ。このような視力を持ちたいものだ。修練を積む以外にはない。




1. stucco
Main Entry: stuc當o
Pronunciation: 'st&-(")kO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural stuccos or stuccoes
Etymology: Italian, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German stucki piece, crust, Old English stocc stock -- more at STOCK
1 a : a fine plaster used in decoration and ornamentation (as of interior walls) b : a material usually made of portland cement, sand, and a small percentage of lime and applied in a plastic state to form a hard covering for exterior walls
- stuc當oed /-(")kOd/ adjective

2. body
Main Entry: 2body
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): bod疂ed; body疂ng
1 : to give form or shape to : EMBODY
2 : REPRESENT, SYMBOLIZE -- usually used with forth

2-1 censure
Main Entry: 1cen疽ure
Pronunciation: 'sen(t)-sh&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin censura, from censEre
1 : a judgment involving condemnation
3 : the act of blaming or condemning sternly
4 : an official reprimand

3. steep
Main Entry: 3steep
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English stepen; akin to Swedish st嗔a to steep
transitive senses
1 : to soak in a liquid at a temperature under the boiling point (as for softening, bleaching, or extracting an essence)
2 : to cover with or plunge into a liquid (as in bathing, rinsing, or soaking)
3 : to saturate with or subject thoroughly to (some strong or pervading influence) (practices steeped in tradition)
intransitive senses : to undergo the process of soaking in a liquid
synonym see SOAK

3.1 soak
4. morose
Main Entry: mo疵ose
Pronunciation: m&-'rOs, mo-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin morosus, literally, capricious, from mor-, mos will
1 : having a sullen and gloomy disposition
2 : marked by or expressive of gloom
synonym see SULLEN

4.1 sullen
Main Entry: sul疝en
Pronunciation: 's&-l&n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English solain solitary, probably from (assumed) Anglo-French solein, alteration of Old French soltain, from Late Latin solitaneus private, ultimately from Latin solus alone
1 a : gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed b : suggesting a sullen state : LOWERING
2 : dull or somber in sound or color
4 : moving sluggishly
- sul疝en疝y adverb
- sul疝en疣ess /'s&-l&(n)-n&s/ noun
synonyms SULLEN, GLUM, MOROSE, SURLY, SULKY, CRABBED, SATURNINE, GLOOMY mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood. SULLEN implies a silent ill humor and a refusal to be sociable (remained sullen amid the festivities). GLUM suggests a silent dispiritedness (a glum candidate left to ponder a stunning defeat). MOROSE adds to GLUM an element of bitterness or misanthropy (morose job seekers who are inured to rejection). SURLY implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner (a typical surly teenager). SULKY suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness (grew sulky after every spat). CRABBED applies to a forbidding morose harshness of manner (the school's notoriously crabbed headmaster). SATURNINE describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition (a saturnine cynic always finding fault). GLOOMY implies a depression in mood making for seeming sullenness or glumness (a gloomy mood ushered in by bad news).

5. tincture
Main Entry: 1tinc疸ure
Pronunciation: 'ti[ng](k)-ch&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin tinctura act of dyeing, from tinctus, past participle of tingere to tinge
1 a archaic : a substance that colors, dyes, or stains b : COLOR, TINT
2 a : a characteristic quality : CAST b : a slight admixture : TRACE
3 obsolete : an active principle or extract
4 : a heraldic metal, color, or fur
5 : a solution of a medicinal substance in an alcoholic menstruum

6. cone
Main Entry: 1cone
Pronunciation: 'kOn
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin conus, from Greek kOnos
1 a : a solid generated by rotating a right triangle about one of its legs -- called also right circular cone b : a solid bounded by a circular or other closed plane base and the surface formed by line segments joining every point of the boundary of the base to a common vertex -- see VOLUME table c : a surface traced by a moving straight line passing through a fixed vertex
2 a : a mass of ovule-bearing or pollen-bearing scales or bracts in trees of the pine family or in cycads that are arranged usually on a somewhat elongated axis b : any of several flower or fruit clusters suggesting a cone
3 : something that resembles a cone in shape: as a : any of the conical photosensitive receptor cells of the vertebrate retina that function in color vision -- compare ROD 3 b : any of a family (Conidae) of tropical marine gastropod mollusks that inject their prey with a potent toxin c : the apex of a volcano d : a crisp usually cone-shaped wafer for holding ice cream
[cone illustration]

7. vistas
Main Entry: vis疸a
Pronunciation: 'vis-t&
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian, sight, from visto, past participle of vedere to see, from Latin vidEre -- more at WIT
1 : a distant view through or along an avenue or opening : PROSPECT
2 : an extensive mental view (as over a stretch of time or a series of events)


最終更新日  2006年04月30日 21時41分43秒









 ma9y@ 回復おめでとうございます。 でも変な書き込みもありますね。こういう…
 takranke@ Re[2]:疑わず(12/18) 高野五韻さん 本当に同感です。本質こ…
 高野五韻@ Re[1]:疑わず(12/18) 学術論文の査読システムなんかを見ている…
 takranke@ Re:疑わず(12/18) ma9yさん >「文字を書くことを疑わず」 …
 ma9y@ 疑わず 「文字を書くことを疑わず」 意味深なこ…

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