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Sissi@管理人@ Re[1]:新しいパソコンは快適(07/22) >かずめさんさん >PCが新しくなるとう…
かずめさん@ Re:新しいパソコンは快適(07/22) PCが新しくなるとうれしいですよね^^ 私…
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Sissi@管理人@ Re[1]:住宅ローン繰上げ返済(2回目)(06/19) >tougei1013さん >繰り上げ返済 かな…
tougei1013@ Re:住宅ローン繰上げ返済(2回目)(06/19) 繰り上げ返済 かなり稼いでいますね な…
Sissi@管理人@ Re[1]:自分を証明できない時(06/09) >かずめさんさん >へーーーーー!ただ…
Sissi@管理人@ Re[1]:自分を証明できない時(06/09) >tougei1013さん >エイリアンの会話…
かずめさん@ Re:自分を証明できない時(06/09) へーーーーー!ただただ感嘆符!
tougei1013@ Re:自分を証明できない時(06/09) エイリアンの会話ですね

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Nov 22, 2008
The global economic recession makes lives more difficult. Many companies have frozen their headcounts, and encourage employees to take days off without pay. The situation is really against you to return, even though your company is still making money. My classmate who also worked in my company has a pregnancy leave, and she is not granted to come back yet. All companies behave conservatively in the tough time, and the same thing repeats itself.

Your overseas study is a good idea in current status, both for interest and competition. There is an important difference learning Chinese in different area. Mainland China used simplified Chinese, while Taiwan uses traditional Chinese. Generally speaking, we can realize what the simplified words mean but I do not know if mainland Chinese can realize traditional words. Pronunciation also makes a little difference by spelling. For cost consideration, it is really a better choice. However, must watch out for poisonous foods. Recently, its melamine event becomes notorious and kills many children. My youngest brother long staying in China was also a victim and doctor broke kidney stones for him.

Still share you a secret. Friends and parents asked me about it frequently, but I always answered we are doing. My wife is PREGNANT. In our tradition, pregnancy in early 3 month should not be disclosed. You are the 1st knowing this except for doctor. We are very happy! ^^*


Last updated  Nov 23, 2008 01:08:40 AM
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