気になること・今日のこと s
今日マンションのエレベーターでベビーカーで眠る赤ちゃんに会った☆まだ本当に小さくて、1歳未満だなぁ~と思って、ベビーカーを押すお母さんに聞いてみた。そんな時、なんて聞く???何となく「おいくつですか?」と声をかけたのだけど、気のせいか「いくつ」って質問には「○歳」という返事が付き物な気がする。返事は「まだ7ヶ月なんですよ~」だったんだけど、それって「1つ(1歳)」にも「まだ」満たないって感じの答え方なのか、「うちのコ小さいでしょう~」の気持ちでの「まだ」?未だに気になって考えているけど、あからさまに○歳ではないのに「何歳」とは言いたくないけど、「おいくつですか」以外のたずね方が思いつかない。ある意味どうでもいいことなんだけど、どうなんでしょうかね…ただ、数日前にテレビで聞いた『ネコババ』(テレビでは語源が問題だったんだけど)の意味をうっかり忘れていて、マレーシア人に教わった私なので、やっぱりただの無知ゆえの疑問なのか…いちおう、恥を承知でうちのマレーシア人にも「おいくつですか」について聞いてみよう…情けない。。。Today I had 2 English lessons at NOVA, and saw some familier students in the same lesson.Bofore starting lessons, we were chatting about some new teachers.In the NOVA, some teachers are very nice but the other some...especially new teachers.Here's about the new teachers.I sometimes wonder if they can't speak clearly and loudly, because a lot of students want to hear good pronouncation.I thought it's just personal way of speaking, and it's difficult to change the style as we can't do it in Japanese.And when they had some students who have different levels for speaking, they have to make chances to speak every students. But they don't...And more I also mind one teacher's behavior which we feel he is bored during lessons. Yawnning, looking at watch often, checking another room...and how to talk to students...I didn't mind so much, because we sometimes feel that even we know it's not good.But today I knew they had opened a pay envelope while their students were reading some contents, and a lot of students have similer experiences with new teachers.I'm sure if a teacher opened a salary envelope during the lesson, I can't keep quiet.As I tell the yawning teacher something to ask usually, I'll continue to say something I felt to them and how they behave nice as a teacher.I don't know if their attitude is ok or impolite in their countries, but they should learn and follow Japanese style in Japan.Hopely every cultures have same sense.And I thought there're anothor point why they do that.Nobody didn't say anything, maybe...and they naturally thought it's no problem.Some Japanese respect white people, because of white, and they look black and Asian ...anyway without white people discriminatively.You might think it's not right, but it's happened even police men.Japanese police men seldom ask to show a registrate card to white people, but almost all no-white people have experienced that and asked something very personal things. I saw some people having white skin know that's Japan.If some white foreigners use these Japanese thinking to something bad, what happens?Maybe it's already happened and they enjoy as they like...I don't mind even there're these foreigners, but I don't want to learn English with them.I don't think new teachers are not these people, but I'd like to say anything which I feel as like as they need as a teacher.