っが、、、とりいそぎ、備忘録のためとしても2日目をふりかえります。 Welcome Coffeee/Tea and chocolate in a dining.. meet friends and new comers! Welcome Morning Session starting with BINGO!! The BINGO Card is prepared in a very colorful and fun way. With the numbers, you also see all different words relating AIN and Netherland. and BINGO was held between keynote speakers. What a smart way of keep entertaining people! Words to remember ; "It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent but the most able to change" - darwin #ain10 "Don't take it personaly" then should I take it professionaly?! "Passion always finds a way out" "Submarine mode improvisation... Use the skills of improvisation but don't tell anyone." "Brainstorming - difficult to build on others ideas! It's easy to break others ideas - but less productive." "Communication in businesses too often about the sender rather than receiver. We need to take care of our partners. " "Positive psychology is a scientific fundamental supporting applied improvisation." "Professionalism - how we interact, social media, raising our standards. " "Applies improv not just experiential - it's training where focus is on improvisational aspect of experience" "reacting to creating." Oups... gotta go! These are the words/messages I had to take note about! well... there are lots more.. will come back after the Day3! っと、、、行かなければ。 以上、昨日の朝のセッションで心に残っていたメッセージです。 つづきは帰宅してから!! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2010.09.25 15:16:06
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