今回の地震を憂慮したマリオンからのメッセージ、メディテーション入りです。マリオンが通常四月に予定されているワークショップを今年は回避したのも偶然ではないかも…昨年の火山のこと以来マリオンは「自然は声を大にして何かを人類に訴えている」と。*Dear ShigetoYes, I was thinking of sending a message to everyone to include themeditation . It is the best we can do. Kindly pass this message on.Lots of love Marion*************************************************************************Dearest friends,We are very, very sad to see the destruction and the suffering caused by the earthquake and its aftermath. Our hearts go out to all of you and we pray that the angels, both from the angelic realms and the humans who are acting with the angels, to bring the suffering to an end.It is difficult to know what to say because words just don't express our true feelings, but know that we are thinking of you all as we send love and healing, say our prayers, and do our meditations on behalf of the people and nature kingdoms of Japan.With loving, healing thoughts from Marion and everyone at Findhorn FlowerEssences.Meditation on Behalf of the People and Nature Kingdoms in Japan.**Preparation*:1. Assume a calm and relaxed position ? breathe deeply a few times melting away tensions in the body on the outbreath.2. Visualize your emotional nature as a small, clear lake in the forest ?totally calm and reflecting perfectly the surroundings on the surface.3. Visualize your thoughts as birds in the sky flying toward the horizon ? in the end disappearing completely leaving your mind clear as the blue sky.*Visualization/meditation*:1. Focusing your attention in the head, visualize a white star over yourhead and a purple star under your feet.2. Allow the white energy/light from the white star to stream down through your entire being contacting the purple star under your feet. Now let the purple energy/light stream up through your being touching the white star.3. See and feel this flow of energy both ways for a few minutes and now let the energies blend and fuse within your heart ? creating a golden sun of loving energy. Allow the sun to grow until it fills you up and you are a radiating sun.4. Turn your attention outward to the the people and nature kingdoms inJapan.See the light being held for Japan, the people and the nature kingdoms.See the entire nation of Japan surrounded with a bubble of light, the sphere of light being sustained by the angels and the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy.Coming down through the top of the bubble you can see the light streaming in from the Higher Beings, radiating the entire situation, and removing all dark influences.See the light of the Mother of the World, the light within the earth itself in that location, streaming upwards to meet the light descending from above in the hearts of the people.From there it radiates outwards to feed the strength of the light bubblearound the nationVisualize now the Father of the World high up in the sky as a giant whitestar. Visualize the Mother of the world deep inside the Earth as a giantpurple star. See their energies meeting and blending like your own a minute ago and see how the fuse and synthesize into the Heart of the World between the Father and the Mother ? a giant golden, radiating sun of pure love and magnetism.5. Identify now with the Heart of the World ? melt into it. From here seetiny threads of golden energy reaching out to all that lives ? surrounding them, caressing and healing them.6. Stay with this meditation for as long as you like ? you may choose todirect it to a certain area/areas or just to all Life. You can also see the energy flowing into the earth circulating freely and easily to all levels throughout the planet7. Relax your attention and return to your own integrity. You can sound the Great Invocation and the OM if you choose.