珍しく、ニュースに目を通していて、やりきれない気持ちになった.かってにペーストしたのだけれど、大丈夫かな?まあ、平気でしょう...I'm Japanese who lives in Tennessee. I was shocked to see the news when they first post "Abducted to Japan" if it was "Abducted from Japan" I can understand it because Japan still faces problems with North Korea about their abduction of Japanese people. So I got interested and looked around internet (also in Japanese sites too) and realized that this investigation is so one sided. This is the actual timeline which happened. 1.Savoie married to Noriko and stayed in Japan for more than 14 years. 2.He is naturalized Japanese meaning in Japan's law, he needs to throw away his American citizenship because Japan does not allow two citizenship. 3.They were separated when they were living in Japan. 4. In June 2008, Chris asked Noriko and kids to come to US to live. 5. Day after Noriko and Kids came to US, Chris filed divorce. (if he filed divorce in Japan, Japanese law tends to give custody of child to mother, so he wanted to have divorce in US.) 6. 1 month after divorce (Jan 2009) he married to Amy 7. all the incident which has described in the article happen doesn't this look he planned whole thing? Noriko and Kids never even lived in US before he asked to come. Then filed divorce the next day?? When I first looked at it, I felt sorry for him. But now, I think he is smart, but stupid. Also, channel 5 and CBS and CNN tried to use this case to convince both American and Japanese about signing Hague convention, but made fool of themselves. これは、ちょっと前に、アメリカで大騒ぎになってた、日本人の元奥さんが、ある日いきなり日本に子供たちを誘拐して帰ってしまい、その子供たちをアメリカに取り返そうとする英雄のようなお父さん!!と、報道されてたのに、実は、上の文にあるような最低男だった、と言う...サボイは、クリスの名字で、アメリカでやり直さないか、と日本人の奥さんを騙してアメリカに連れて帰り、到着翌日から離婚の手続きを始めたらしい.アメリカには、不倫相手が家に住んでいて、別の家を奥さんと子供は用意されていたとか.それで、他のコメントとかによると、旦那が日本で逮捕され、その不倫相手で、今の奥さんが、ニュースにでて、子供たちに会いたいと、涙を流してるとか...よくもまあ.国際結婚組には、明日は、我が身.うーん....