verve coffee roastesでKENYA KAINAMUIを飲む。 バリスタはYUKIさん。コーヒートークに花が咲く。 verve coffee roastesでコーヒーを飲む、という行為が、ケニアに住む人の教育、栽培環境を整え、改善されていく豆の処理方法に貢献している。この味を作り出すのは、私達が払うコーヒー代、という姿勢がはっきり打ち出されている。 KENYA KAINAMUI GUAVA · CARROT JUICE · STRUCTURE カイナムイ カイナムイはとても特徴的で、トロピカルフルーツのフレーバーと甘くてキャロットジュースのような複雑性があるケニアのコーヒーです。 COUNTRY Kenya REGION Kirinyaga CULTIVAR SL-28, Ruiru 11 PROCESS Wet-Process ELEVATION 1650 Meters HARVEST November - December TASTING NOTES Guava, Carrot Juice, Structured SOURCING INFORMATION Along the slopes of Mount Kenya, nearly 2000 member farmers deliver their cherry to the Kainamui Coffee Factory in Kirinyaga County. The factory has partnered with Coffee Management Services (CMS) for agronomical ventures, with the long term goal of increasing coffee production through farmer training and access to educational materials on sustainable farming, including seminars and printed materials. The Kainamui factory was started in 1963, and farmers in the area benefit from the mineral-rich, red volcanic loam soils and an altitude of 1650 meters above sea level. With an annual rainfall of 1800 mm, and ideal growing temperatures, the factory processes high volumes of coffee during peak season. After pulping and fermentation, the coffee enters washing channels where floaters are separated further and the seeds then cleaned of their mucilage. The coffee then soaks in clean water tanks for another 24 hours, allowing amino acids and proteins to develop, resulting in more acidity and complex fruit-flavors that have come to identify Kenyan coffee. #東京都#新宿#newoman#新宿新南口#VERVECOFFEEROASTERS#VERVECOFFEE#VERVE#coffee#goodcoffee#FARMLEVELtoSTREETLEVEL#coffeeisafruit#ヴァーヴコーヒー#ブルータス#BRUTUS#おいしいコーヒーの教科書 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2019.02.21 06:34:51
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