今日くらいから置き去り動物の報道が出始めたけど当初は環境省がペットの連れ戻しを飼い主確認されたものだったはずそれが農水省の動物移動を検討中になり今日になったら福島県が飼い主了解で安楽死に、、、明日はどう変わるのだろうか?時間が経つほどに関係省庁や対応を変えて最初から全く対応は無くて多くの苦情や陳情に対して「良い訳」ですね!数日前の総理が呼びとめられ避難者に抗議をされる映像も不可解?通常は分秒単位のタイムチャート動線も図式化されて事前に何度も精査されて本人の意識で動線を変更できない筈だSPに制止されたり両脇を固められてるハズだから影像自体が周囲が開放されて撮影しやすい状態に見えたただ手をダラダラして所在も無く人の話を真摯に聴く態度には見えなかったのは確か動物を虐待だけで50万以下の罰金相当の違法行為警戒区域に違反は10万以下だから政府がより罪多き犯罪を犯してる大体学者の指摘も有るけど10Kmとか20Kmとか同距離で円で区切る自体が雑な方法風向きや冷却水の流れなど方向では30Kmや40Kmも安心できないと言う全ての事象で判るのは説明しない、対応省庁と対応が変わる「出来る事はやった」「最大限努力します」でも見れば何も変わらず泥船を見てる気持ち脱力感、、、避難して見守る人々はもっと気力を奪われてるに違いないThe news of the leaving behind animal began to appear todayThe thing that Ministry of the Environment kept the companion return of the pet at first, and a master was confirmedIt becomes examining animal movement of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesIf it is today, Fukushima is the owner consent; for euthanasia,How will you change tomorrow?Change relevant ministries and agencies and correspondence so that time passesThere is not the correspondence at all from a beginning; and for many complaints and petitions"It is good reason"!Illegal act of the fine equivalency that is less than 500,000 only by abuse in animalsBecause the violation is less than 100,000, the government violates a crime with many crimes more in the caution areaGenerally there is indication of the scholars, tooThe method that an own body to divide for the yen at 10km or 20km or the distance is sloppyIn the direction of the wind and the direction including the flow of the coolant as for 30km and 40kmI say that I cannot feel relievedUnderstanding it by all phenomenaCorrespondence ministries and government offices and correspondence not to explain change"I work hard "to have done that I can do it" to the maximum"But the feeling that nothing changes if I look, and watches a boat carrying mudA feeling of weakness, the people who I evacuate, and watch it must lose more willpower