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March 28, 2007

To compare representations of the two events which took place in almost the same area over a twenty year interval makes it clear how the urban riots were understood and interpreted in public discourses at each of the specific times. It is true that some features and the scale of events themselves were different from each other. In 1985, deterioration between the police and ethnic minorities’ relations triggered the disturbances. In 2005, the Asian and Black communities’ mistrust appeared to act as a trigger to the disturbances. But it is interesting that Blacks in 1985 and Asian Muslims in 2005 played a similar role in the debates. In 1985, criminality by African Caribbean residents attracted the main attention, while Asian residents were seen as passive and victims of the riots. In 2005, Blacks were victimised in suffering inter-ethnic conflicts, while Asians were blamed for destroying cohesion in the community. So, the same logic was used in 2005; that is to criticize one particular community in order to avoid discussing real issues, such as social deprivation and racial discrimination behind the disturbances.


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Last updated  March 28, 2007 11:39:45 PM
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