I want to become a strong, very strong woman of God for God. I am weak, very weak, but I want to stand firm in Christ Jesus my Lord. I take this words personally. It might be out of context, but Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority... to overcome all the power of the enemy; NOTHING WILL HARM YOU" (Luke 10:18-19). His name is Jahovah-Rapha, the LORD who heals. If my God is able to heal me, if my God is able to deliver me, and if my God is able to set me free, there is nothing I should fear. Help me and have mercy on me, Jesus, to cling to your strength and to your righteousness. I do want to be strong because of you. "The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The rightous runs to it and are safe." Soemwhere in Psalm お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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