それ以来 毎日
ごぶさた日記ですが、そそくさと書いて・・・先日 外国人の友人の誕生日だったのでこんな詩を作って 送ったらそれ以来、毎日、読み直していてくれているそうです。よかった。わかってくれて。(意味が通じて)The day falling from the heaven・・・HappyBirthday.2005.12.9You came from the heaven, and you were born.You got off to the ground though you were by the side of God.You chose it by yourself.You do God's work on this ground that God can't be seen.You swore it so in the heaven."You are God's child" is such a thing.I(asai) am so, too.Today, the day not to forget that thing.God is talking though you may not be able to be heard."Remember your own vow.""Then, carry out for one year again from tomorrow.""Keep giving love instead of me""I keep giving you love."I(asai) do so, too.Happy birthday from asai