It is because the cause of the person who's constipation is irregularity of living with an intestinal nerve cell being insensible. sleep and meal: ,
Require your health life. ★ 朝夕の、落ちついた呼吸法で、治せる??
It can cure by the breathing method with every morning and evening.Slow breathing is best.
Lucky,I found the effective medicine of the rat poison which may be cheap at last.¥398/4box.
★ 歯医者に行ってきた。いiまだに何十年も前の治療法のままで?自費の治療費も高過ぎ!インプラント治療の料金が、病院によって異なる・・??
I have been to the dentist. The cost of medical treatment is too expensive with no insurance case,I think,the treatment method did not evolve for a long time. why is the cost of implant medical treatment different in each hospitals?
★ NHK・大河ドラマ:"平 清盛"は、確かに、色画・質がひどく悪いので、視聴率が悪いのは納得?
NHK TV Taiga brama: "Tairano Kiyomori" is including the bad image quality and the color ,it's sure,I felt the demerits?.
★ 素晴らしい!。誰にでも度数を、簡単に、合わせられる眼鏡がある。
It is wonderful! . There are glasses which can unite frequency with anyone easily,made in England.
★ 海外では、日本が不景気から脱出するとの噂が、広まっている。
The rumor that Japan escapes from a depression has got about overseas.
★ アメリカでは、ステルスマーケティングの罰則:罰金80万円:が厳しい、■有償での依頼された感想の書き込では、その仔細を書くこと、■効果の不明確な情報の禁止:ローションで、湿疹が治ったなど・・:■ 有償でも、投稿の依頼がなく、自主的な書き込みは、OK
"penalregulation :10000$:",Stealth marketing in the United States, at the requested comment in severe .
■ When you write your comment with getting money to your web site ,you have to write the detail and why,
... ■ and even if you write details and why ,but this case is bad.
>Example:"effect": The lotion cured eczema.. :
■ Even if you get money,but with no ordering in request of contribution, it's OKs.
seemingly, according to S & P, the national bond of France will lower evaluation ?? By Nikkei news paper.
★ 大人の百日咳が、増えている。
Caution! Among older people ,whooping cough is increasing.
★ 健康保険の偽造が、簡単に出来るので、税収アップのためにも、早く国民背番号制にした方がいい。
It is better to use a system giving every citizen an ID number early also for a tax revenues rise, since forgery of health insurance can be performed simply.
If an IPS cell is successful, and evolves and people cease to die, what will happen?? People will survive only in other universes.
"Don Quixote plan" : which protects the earth from a huge meteorite is advancing
★ 海外の投資話で、高齢者が、狙われている。 Elderly people are targeted in the overseas investment talk.
★ イラン問題が、危険水域に・・??
The Iran problem is nominated to a cautionary zone..
★ 若返りの方法:1、口と舌を、回す。2、尻と腰を回す。
The method of rejuvenation: 1,Turn your mouth, and tongue.
2, Turn your hip, and waist
★ LEDのテレビ:52インチ:を買ったが、失敗だ??DVDもVTRも映りが悪くて、観ることが出来ない。アナログのテレビを処分しないでよかった。
Television [ of LED ]: -- it is failure action although I bought 52 inch: -- ?? the picture of DVD and VTR is not good, I cannot see them well.
It was good without disposing of the television of an analog.
★魔女の相談室"無料:No charge・質問は、"メッジセージ"で、
送ってください!! 相談内容によっては、お答えできるかどうかわかりません が??" qqe36vd9k@fuga.ocn.ne.jp
魔法使いの家 http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html?
オリジナル曲:in Youtube
Love ness