京都 占い
魔法使いの家 :075-681-5227 タ ロットカードの使い方 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqRNzkwEzXA How to use the Tarot cards! ★オリジナルソング、”It's your turn" ”あなたの出番です”:,BGM ほんとうですか・?Is it true? ★ごみの収集が早くなってきている気がする?Does the collection of trash be acted early recently? When I got out from my home, I could not see the trash car gone away from my house at 8:30 in this morning. also there were nothing on the road.IQテスト??:★ can you solve this questions❔1+1-1=11 1+3-1=13 1+10-1=110 5+7-1=57... 11-1-1=❔Answer is "11",it 's almost right !! because -1 in left sentences can shape +sign.❗😆🙆☺But,Final Answer is "9" Because" -1"word means "erase the + sign". but there is not "+ sign" in last sentence,then you cann't erase" -1 ", and so you must not eraze " -1".. ★Yes.This is the planning of riddles. ,Sentences are ruled 、 “-1” sign means “erase +sign”.but last sentence has not “+sign“、then.Get to think.“ the method of Math must be used.”★I am sorry,I think ,this is not good riddles as I had not made the riddles 株式投資:Inestment in stock 日経平均:16958,53 +941.27 +5.88%日経先物:16870米ドル円:118.81 +74 +0,63% NYダウ 16053.51 +210.83 1.25% 上海総合:2916,56 +36.08 +1,25% BDI バルチック:354▼028% -1 [01/22] 魔法使いの家 http://twitter.com/ http://www.facebook.com/. http://mixi.jp/list_diary.pl? http://chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/my/myspace.php?writer=telepashi★オリジナルソング Original music in YOU TUBE ★"心のホ-ムレス"、http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebIu3YunYbw " あなたが、あなたであるために"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiX1-wTMURs Loveness "恋わずらい"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JudT2HrzSMs にほんブログ