Peace In Our Timeの新作、 A Glimpse Of Happiness
Peace In Our Time is running on by a Swedish singer / songwriter "Johan Regnér".His new full length album "A Glimpse Of Happiness" has been released by US indiepop CD-R label "Series Two Records". The album has wonderful heartwarming acoustic sound and funny electronica popbeats tunes. As soon as you listen to the album title song "A Glimpse Of Happiness", you will fall in love with his tunes.But first of all, you need to listen to his 4 songs on his MySpace page.Because the album is including the 4 songs.Maybe, if you listen to the 4 songs, you will want to listen to more his songs. His gentle singing voice wraps you soft.His beautiful melody makes your heart warm.His funny electronica popbeats give you tiny pop feelings.And when we listen to the album can share love of music with him.It's just "Peace In Our Time" !!!I think we are happy.We can listen and enjoy his songs.Then his MySpace URL is here. if you want to buy his album, please check Series Two Records MySpace page!!先週、series two recordsのクリス君から、小包が届いた。包みを開けてみたら、なんと、上にのせたCDのほかに、彼が最近リリースした6枚のアルバムと、以前にも紹介したコンピアルバムが四枚入っていた。彼は今月、新たなコンピレーションもリリースした。それにしても、彼のリリースは精力的すぎて、僕の耳が追い付かない。こちらの6枚も一枚ずつ紹介するつもりでいます。ちなみに、上段の真ん中は日本のflannelさんのアルバム。以前、クラウドベリーからリリースしていたflannelさんが、今度はseries two recordsからリリース。