| カテゴリ未分類
| 何しとんねん?
| 夫婦ネタ
| 子供との戯れ
| Puerto Rico紹介
| ええ加減にせぃ!
| 男、女、SEX!(♂♀凹凸)
| 日、米、世界の違い
| 日本の常識、世界の非常識!
| き、切れました。。。私。。。
| とほほ。。。な出来事
| 子供から学ぶ事
| 私の思う事
| 空手
リッキー・マーティンが今日、彼の活動を国連で演説をしたそうで、 英文なんですが日記の最後にそのまま載せました。 その中で、 何ヶ月か前に中央アメリカである男が、 $10,000ドル払って、8ケ月の赤ちゃんと性交渉を持とうとして逮捕された。 こんな事って考えられます!? どうにか未遂に終わったようなんだけど、 “病的”と言う言葉を超越していると思いませんか? 以前にもフィリピン等でも、 子供と性交渉を持つことを目的とした観光ツアーの話を、 何かの記事で読んだことがあります。 その内容は、とてもここでは書けないような酷い物で、 余りのショックと、背筋が凍るような嫌な気持ちになり、 抑えようの無い怒りが込み上げて来ました。 性の餌食にされた子供達の年齢は男女を問わず大体5,6歳からで 子供達が変態な大人達から一体どういう仕打ちを受け、 そしてその結果、身体的、精神的にどういう状態で居るのかを、 事細かく記してありました。 未だにこのような売春ツアーや、ポルノグラフィー等に利用されている子供達が後を絶たないのが現実です。 それからもう一つ。 かれこれ6,7年前だと思います。 HBOのドキュメンタリー番組で、 中国やアフリカ、ロシア、その他の中央アメリカでの 捨て子達やストリートチルドレン等をレポートしたものがあったんですが、 これもまた真実を直視出来ないような、 ショッキングな映像を目の当たりにしました。 中国では捨て子達を預かる収容所があるのですが 一部の収容所で、子供達は皆ベッドの柵やイスに縛り付けられたまま 一日を過ごしているのです。 考えられますか!? 動くのが仕事の子供達からそれらを奪って 縛り付けておくと言う行為がどういう事か!? イスに両手足を縛り付けられたままの子供達は皆、 無表情のまま身体を左右に揺すっています。 これは、一日中動けない状態にされ何の刺激も脳に行かない為に 本能で、自然と身体を揺すると言う行為をする。と アナウンスされていました。 ほら、私達が赤ちゃんや子供を抱っこした時に 自然に身体を優しく揺すってあやしますよね? 本能として身についているこの“揺する”という行為を、 カラカラに乾いた心の子供達は成す術も無く、 夢も希望も失った、冷たいほど無表情な目で しきりに揺さぶって居るのでした。 愕然とする映像の数々に思わず旦那の前で号泣してしまいました。 リッキー・マーティンが子供達をこのような犯罪から守るべく “People for Children”を設立し、今熱心に活動しているようです。 少しでも悪の魔の手から子供達を守れたら。。。 子供達が、人間として、そして子供らしく過ごせるような環境が、 多くの問題となっている地域、 私達の周りで整って行く事を願って止みません。。。。 以下が原文です。 Ricky Martin has just given his speech at the UN at the Luncheon and Panel Discussion "Innovative Global Actions To Stop Child Sex Tourism". He also met with Ambassador John Miller, Director of the Trafficking In Persons Division of the US State Department; Ambassador Sichan Siv, US Ambassador to the UN; Michael Garcia, Assistant Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for the US; as well as Joseph Mettimano of World Vision, Claudia Chagas, from Brasil, Lourdes Balanon, of the Phillipines, and Patrick Midy, of France, and approximately 60 other ambassadors from all over the world... Please, help us get this important message out to everyone... we can't do it alone, but together we can do anything!!!!! Ricky's Speech given earlier today at the UN.... Good afternoon. * Some months ago, a man in Central America was arrested for paying $10,000 to have sex with an eight month old baby. * An estimated 5,000 children are currently involved in prostitution, pornography and sex-tourism in Mexico, AND, Nearly 100 a month fall into the hands of the child prostitution networks which are mafias or organized crime syndicates. * In Tanzania, in the course of one year, 7% of street children acquired a sexually transmitted disease because of sexual exploitation. * Thailand- there are about 200,000 children involved in its sex trade and 86% of patrons are local. *In Campo Grande, Brazil, over 100 young girls are prostituted in sex tourism in 12 brothels- places where girls are bought for periods of one to two weeks. * An American sex tourist was only sentenced to ten years in jail in Honduras for raping two Honduran boys. * $7 billion dollars are moved annually within the Trafficking in persons industry - making it the third largest illegal activity of the world * And- listen to this- it is estimated that two million children around the world, live under this type of sexual bondage. Sadly enough, the statistics I just gave you represent only a small fraction of the problem the world faces today in the area of sexual exploitation of children. This is our era's form of slavery- and helping affect its complete abolition is the reason I am here today. Because, despite the clearly serious nature of even a single ONE of these cases, the visibility afforded to this phenomenon is still minimal, and it's danger is not being expressed with sufficient force. I am here today to talk about recovering lost childhoods and preventing the daily tragedy in the lives of millions of children sold into slavery every year. Imagine a child locked in slavery. A child so overshadowed by exploitation that insomnia, beatings, rape, and violence are part of his or her daily life. This is what happens to children who are trafficked for prostitution, pornography and as playthings by sex-tourists. About 2 million children from all over the world are subjected to this every year. Some are as young as seven. Child sex-tourism is spreading on our planet. The demand continues to grow and men fly from one country to another for cheap sex with a child. We must end this demand and protect our children. They are our future. I just came back from Kolkata India where I've been working with recovering victims for more than two years. They were traumatized but were able to overcome their tragedy. They had recaptured their laughter. I saw a little effort by some spirited people go a long way. We need to supplement their efforts and make them go further. If we work together, we can end this modern form of slavery. As Martin Luther King said, we have made the world a neighborhood, now it is time to make it a brotherhood. In an act of faith, I have initiated the People for Children Project as part of the Ricky Martin Foundation-to protect our children and to create a safer world. Come share with me this vision. Let us transform the tragedies in the lives of these children, to one of hope and joy. Let us move beyond rhetoric and resolutions. Please help us act now. And if you are already fighting this battle, use me as part of your team on our journey of hope. Child-sex tourism is not just about these 3 words. It is also about demand- about supply- about trafficking in children and sexual exploitation- and it is also about travel. As such, it is not an activity that affects only a few nations. It is, in fact, a human epidemic of international proportions that leaves no region of the world untouched. There are 3 issues that will be discussed further during today's panel, which I will briefly highlight here...... First, it is imperative that child-sex tourism is understood as an industry that would NOT exist without the demand from adults who are seeking and utilizing children for sexual commercial purposes inside and outside their countries. My Foundation will support initiatives on educating children to resist the demand, law-enforcement officers to understand the demand, and adults to see the consequences of this crime, through training and awareness programs. All of you at the UN can help me in enhancing this activity. Once again, we need your help! Secondly, it is important to cut off the DEMAND and recognize child-sex tourism and child trafficking as a criminal offense within countries and also across countries. A first obvious step towards achieving this goal- is to harmonize laws, policies, codes of conduct, and many other national and international efforts, so that sexual offenders cannot get away with impunity by traveling abroad for sex with a child. The World Tourism Organization has spearheaded a growing interest in making travel, in all its forms, safe for children everywhere. We HAVE begun a positive process towards the elimination of child-sex tourism and must build on this momentum. Finally, the only way we can change the world is with cooperation and with group effort. As I said it is impossible to prevent, combat or eradicate child sex tourism in isolation. We need to step out of denial...this is happening and it is happening everywhere we look, and in places we can't even see... Coalitions and alliances must be strengthened, where previously absent, bridges must be formed, and whatever differences may exist between nations we must look beyond such divisions and focus on what needs to be our main global concern... the lives of children. Imagine the fear of a child as young as eight years old, who should be in school, well nurtured, innocent and playful who instead is trafficked, beaten, raped, and whose identity and hope for a bright future has been stolen. The task we are faced with is complicated and challenging- but as leaders and representatives of nations who have the power to set standards and examples, I urge you all to take strong decisive action in what pertains to these crimes against our most vulnerable citizens...our children. It is my sincere belief that the smallest and most powerless among us, our children, are just as entitled to human rights, health and justice as the strongest among us. Let us take advantage of this momentum, nurtured by an established and growing movement to end child sex tourism. Ladies and gentleman, the bottom line is... This is war, and we need to win, and to win we need to work together. Let us demonstrate with resolve, that this crime has no place in our world today. Thank you. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2004/10/22 12:20:56 PM