I went to my friends house in close to NJ to help making T-shirts for fundraising for East Coast Youth Camp on Saturday.
Because it's cheaper this way, we decided to print designs by our hands. We bought lots of colored T-shirts and a special machine to print. Aren't they look great? And they're hand made! We made more than 50 of them in four different colors: blue, navy blue, light green, and yellow. It took hours to print, iron, and hold them. The light green and yellow ones took longer to make because we printed the design in two colors. We started to make tham at around five or six in the evening and decided to stop making them at about 3:30 in the next morning! It was 5:30 when we went to the bed. Although it's very fun, everyone was so tired. We slept about three hours and went to Princeton Japanese Church and Lehigh Valley Japanese Church on Sunday. Pastor Kurisu preached great messages on story about Esther at PJC and about True Freedom at LVJC. It's great to hear Bible messages in Japanese, at least once in a while. It somehow makes me more comfortable and touches my feelings. We sold some of the T-shirts we just made. I came back to Lancaster Sunday evening. It was pretty fun and long weekend :-) Please keep praying for the East Coast Youth Camp for Japanese Youths who are living in the U.S.,especially in the East Coast of the U.S. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2009年06月09日 12時10分34秒
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