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世界中の人たちへ愛を~ Send Love to People All over the World...弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に

世界中の人たちへ愛を~ Send Love to People All over the World...弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に

いいね! --/--


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■Russia warns West of Nuclear World War 3 over Iran tensions! ( 12/4/2011 )



Note: The reason why I decided to write this is that I sincerely hope for peace in the world. By showing his decision, I would to ask all the politicians and Jewish bankers, and the rest of the whole people in the world to think of the humanitarian way of saving humaniy on this planet. Wars cannot save us, but only destroy nature, and kill human beings, even in the case of being saved from dying, will lead us to suffering in many pains, especially if Nuclear World War 3 occurs.

To the millionaires, who are Jewish, please use all of your assets and money to build an automated system to realize a new social system called Paradism. The last messenger of the Elohim (those who came down from the sky)- creators of all the life on this planet, and humanity - says that it is only Paradism that can bring humanity to a peaceful world ; otherwise, capitalism has already been collapsing, and USA and NATO are in a hurry to start a WW3 against Iran and China. This would lead us to a total destruction of all the life forms and humanity on this planet. We must choose the humanitarian way to change our world to the world in Paradism.

Please read the messages of the Elohim given to Maitreya Rael, and understand what our creators would like us to understand.

Our future is up to our level of love, intelligence, and actions to create revolution to change our societies to Paradism.

このビデオの最初の部分、0:00 -- 01:03は、ロシア軍の兵士達が米国兵士に対して抗戦的な意見を述べていてみなさんに紹介するにはあまりにも不適切だと思い翻訳しておりません。その部分を観たくない場合は、このビデオを01:03の箇所まで進めてロシア大統領の話をごらんください。もちろんロシア語で、英語の字幕が下にでます。その場の雰囲気を確認してから、下の訳文を読まれるとよろしいかと思います。




01:03 - ( President of Russia speaks ) ;
In this connection, I have made the following decisions:
First, I am instructing the Defence Ministry to immediately put the missle attack early warning radar station in Kaliningrad on combat alert.

01:03 ー ロシアの大統領が話をします。


Second, protective cover of Russia's strategic nuclear weapons will be reinforced as a priority measure under the programme to develop our air and space defences.


Third, the new strategic ballistic missiles commissioned by the Strategic Missile Forces and the Navy will be equipped with advanced missile defence penetration systems and new highly-effective warheads.


Fourth, I have instructed he Armed Forces to draw up measures for disabling missle defence system data and guidance sytems if need be.


These measures will be adequate, effective, and low-cost.


Fifth, if the above measures prove insufficiet, the Russian Federation will deploy modern offesive weapon systems in the west and south o the country, ensuring our ability to take out any part of the U.S. missile defence system in Europe. One step in this process will be to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad Region. Other measures to counter the European missile defence system will be drawn up and implemented as necessary.


Furthermore, if the situation continues to develop not to Russia's favour, we reserve the right to discontinue further disarmament, and arms control measures. Besides, give the intrinsic link between strategic offensive and defensive arms, conditions for our withdrawal from the New START Treaty could also arise, and this option is enshrined in the treaty. It was signed between USA and Russia on 8 April 2010 in Prague, and, after ratification, entered into force on 5 February 2011.

 さらに、この状況がロシアの利益に反する方向に進展し続ける場合には、私達はさらなる軍備縮小と軍備管理と継続しない権利を保持しておきます。更にその他に、本質的なつながりを戦略防御と防御武器の間に与える事で、2010年4月8日にプレイグで米国とロシアの間で条約に著名され、2011年2月5日に施行された軍縮のための「New START」条約から離脱する条件が出てくることになり、これはその条約にも正式に記載されています。

But let me stress the point that we are not closing the door on continued dialogue with the USA and NATO on missile defence, and on practical cooperation in this area. We are ready for that. However, this can be achieved only through establishing a clear legal base for cooperation that would guarantee that our legitimate interests and concerns are taken into account.


We are open to a dialogue, and we hope for a reasonable and constructive approach from our Western partners.






Maitreya Rael, the last messenger chosen by the Elohim, extra-terrestrials who created humanity in their image, says that it is only Pardism that can save the humanity from self-destruction.


Please use our science as a tool of love to give love to all the people on this planet so that we will be able to enter a Golden Age - no labors, no banks, no monetary systems, no wars, but only peace, love, freedom, appreciation... .



Last updated  2012.01.08 15:25:11
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