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Those chrysanthemums were presented by my elder brother in law. He is my sister’s husband. My elder sister has been in the hospital since attacked by the cerebrovascular accident 3 years ago. She has left hemiplegia and can’t stand, can’t walk. Her husband has visited the hospital every days even though it killed him 3 years. He has a hobby to raise the chrysanthemums and brings up hundreds of the flowers every years. And he delivers the flowers to the hospital his wife is in, his friend’s house or my house. As my wife likes flower, she is looking forward the delivery every year. Those flowers will entertain us until at the beginning of December. この菊は義兄から贈られたものである。私の姉は3年前に脳卒中で倒れて入院してい る。左片麻痺があり立つことができなくて寝たきりである。義兄は3年間何があって も毎日姉の病院に見舞いに通っている。彼は聞くつくりの趣味があり、何十鉢も菊を 作り、姉の病院や友人宅や私の家等に配ってくれる。家内は花好きなので毎年楽しみ にしている。これらの花は12月初旬まで我々を楽しませてくれる。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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