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My son family brought the puppy of the toy poodle from Shiga on December 30. They have him from last October. He didn’t bark yet for puppy aloud and came to us unknowing persons standing with hind legs and scratching by forefeet and licking our hands. He was really lovable and smart . The performances for waiting and sitting were possible. He ate anything and ate apples also well. Family of my son had watched trouble really well, but there was the aspect that they were healed themselves. I thought that the disposal of excrement was great, but they had watched trouble diligently .They were not worried about such a thing because he was so pretty. He was picked up on the car again and returned to Shiga today. We were healed also during he stayed. 息子家族が12月30日に滋賀県からトイプードルの子犬をつれてやってきた。昨年10月から飼っているとのことである。子犬なので大声で吠えることもなく、我々知らない人間の所にも後ろ足で立って前足でひっかいて手をペロペロなめた。彼は実に可愛くて賢かった。待てやお座りができた。何でも食べてリンゴもよく食べた。息子の家族はよく面倒をみていたが、彼ら自身が癒されているようだった。私は排泄物の処理が大変だろうと思っていたが、彼らは実に細やかに処理していた。犬があまりに可愛いので彼らはそのようなことは気にならないようだった。子犬は今日また車に乗せられて滋賀県に帰って行った。その犬がいた間我々も癒された。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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