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だった人だけに残念がる人が多かった。長嶋、王は現役引退後もプロ野球振興のため に心を砕いてきたが、清原にはそれがなかった。自分の才能に溺れ、引退後は過去の 栄光で生きてきた印象だった。 テレビが清原、清原ばかりだったのでチャンネルを回したら久本雅美のことを放映し ていた。彼女は57歳とのことでもっと若いと思っていたので驚いた。なぜ結婚しな かったのですか?との質問に一度求婚されたことがあったが仕事への思いが強く断っ たとのことだった。清原と久本、才能では清原の方が上だったかもしれない。しかし 今勝っているのは久本である。彼女は常に芸の上達とお客さん受けを考えて生きてき た。その話に思わず涙がこぼれた。清原は現役時代には素晴らしい花を咲かせたが引 退後は堕落の人生を歩んできた。人生は才能ではない。常に目標を定めて努力する人 が最後の勝利を得るのだと思う。 Today's TV show was filled with the topics of Mr. Kazuhiro Kiyohara. Many people regretted as he was super hero. He hasn’t worked to promote the professional baseball like Mr. Nagasima or Mr. Oh. He has been wallowed in his talent, and he has lived in his old glory after his retirement. As I have had enough of his topics, I changed the channel and found the topic of Miss Masami Hisamoto. I was surprised as I heard she is 57 years because I have thought her more younger. She asked the question why she hasn’t married until now. She refused an offer because she has emphasized the work more. Kiyohara might be superior for talent than Hisamoto, but now she is winner than Kiyohara. I was brought tears to my eyes hearing she has lived to promote the skill and to please the guest in her life. Kiyohara bloomed wonderful beautiful flower in his commission. But his life after his retirement was rotten. Life is not decided by the talent, the person who has worked hard continuously to reach the aim will have get a victory at last. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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