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性のビタミンで血管や筋肉を強くするコラーゲンの合成を助ける強力な抗酸化剤であ る。人体はそれを体内で合成することが出来ないので食品やサプリメントで摂らなけ ればならない。 ビタミンCの効用は壊血病の予防と治療、風邪の治療、免疫系を活性化させる、血圧 を下げる、白内障を治す、がんの治療、皮膚の弾力性を保つ、傷を治す、喘息症状を 和らげてくれるなどが挙げられている。通常それは果物や野菜に含まれているが薬局 でも買えるし、病院で処方してもらうこともできる。数日前ビタミンCの錠剤をのん でみたらすごくすっぱくてびっくりしてしまったがいつもは朝すごく疲れた状態だ が、それを飲んだ翌朝は起きた時バイタリティーが感じられた。健康にいいかもしれ ないので果物、野菜、錠剤などからビタミンCを積極的に摂取してみようかと思う。 Vitamin C,(Ascorbic acid) is one of the most effective and safest nutrients. It is a water soluble vitamin. It is a powerful antioxidant for the synthesis of collagen, which helps to make blood vessels and body muscles strong. The human body doesn’t have the capacity to generate Vitamin C. Therefore, it needs to be received through food and other supplements. It is said that the health benefits of Vitamin C include the prevention and treatment of scurvy, treatment of the common cold, boosting the immune system, lowering hyper tension, curing cataracts, treatment of cancer, maintain elasticity of the skin, the healing of wounds, and controlling the symptoms of asthma, etc. Usually it is contained in the fruit or vegetable, but it is also sold at pharmacy or described by hospital. I tried the tablets of Vitamin C several days before, I was surprised it taste very sour, but I felt the activity when I got up in the next morning though I was very tired in usually morning. It may effective for my health, I am going to try to take the fruits, vegetables or tablets. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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