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いとのことで後見人がついてきた。話を聞いたら実際には娘さんも奥さんも県外に住 んでいるとのことだったが50年以上音信不通とのことだった。この患者さんは娘さん が小さい頃愛人とどこかに行ってしまい帰ってこなかったとのことである。後見人が 危篤になった場合について娘さんに連絡したところ、関係ない人だからそちらでいい ようにしてくださいとのことだった。血のつながりはこのような場合には全く意味の ないものだと思った。 A 87 year old male from the nursing home has been hospitalized with pneumonia. He had nasal nutrition with dementia. The guardian came with him as having no relatives. When I heard the story, in fact both his daughter and his wife lived outside the prefecture, and they have been estranged from him over about 50 years. The patient had gone somewhere with his lover when his daughter was small, and he did not return long times. When the guardian contacted his daughter about the case that the patient became end stage, she answered that she was not concerned about him, he was only a stranger. The blood connection was no use in this case. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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