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者さんが入院した。下痢止めなどの薬は全く効かない。腹部CT検査と大腸鏡検査で 直腸がんが判明しそのために腸が狭窄して便がでそうで出ない症状があり、何度もト イレに行っていたことが分かった。出口が詰まっているので上から食べることも出来 ない。さどかし苦しいだろうと思うが内科医としては何もできない。「先生いい薬下 さい」というが抗がん剤を出してもよくなるどころか却って悪くなるかもしれない。 「人工肛門を造ってください」と外科医にお願いしたが、全身状態が悪く、それに よって命が伸びるとも思えないと最初は受け入れてくれなかった。しかし命が伸びる 伸びないではなく、その手術で亡くなることがあってもいいから今の苦しみを取って もらいたいと重ねてお願いして手術してもらった。手術は成功して今は食事は食べら れるし便も人工肛門から出るようになった。外科医に心から感謝している。 A 72-year-old male patient who had diarrhea and went to the toilet tens of times a day and could not sleep at night was hospitalized. Medicines such as anti-diarrhea do not work at all. Abdominal CT examination and colonoscopy revealed rectal cancer, which caused a stricture of the rectum and symptoms that the feces did not come out so good, I found out the reason that was going to the toilet many times. He cannot eat from the top because the outlet is clogged. I think it will be painful, but I cannot do anything as a physician. "Please doctor give me good medicine", but it may be worse rather than getting better if he take out an anticancer drug. I asked a surgeon "Please build an artificial anus", but he did not accept it at first because the patients’ general condition is bad and he did not think the patients’ life would increase by that. However, it is not the reason to long the life , but if he may be killed by the surgery, I asked the surgeon again to do the operation to take out his present suffering . He accepted at last. Successful surgery was done and the patient is now allowed to eat and the feces come out from the colostomy. I am sincerely grateful to the surgeon. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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