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夜8時20分まで地域の自治会の三つの役員会に出席してきた。 私は2年間地域の自治会長をしてきたが今改選の時期で新しい会長が決まるかどうか すごく心配していたが、48歳の大学職員の方がすんなり引き受けてくれて新会長が決 まった。これで私の任期が切れると思うとうれしくてお酒をいつもより飲み、食事も いつもよりたべられた。2年間大変だった。地域の運動会や防災訓練、募金活動や美 化活動などの全ての責任者で心休まる時はなかった。新しい会長にバトンを渡して今 後は本来の医師業務に専念しようと思う。今まで協力して頂いた皆様に心より感謝す る。 Yesterday, after my elder sister’s farewell ceremony, I attended a regional assembly meeting at night. And today I attended three board meetings of local residents' association from 2:30 pm to 8:20 pm. I was a local chairman of the community for two years but I was really worried about whether the new chairman will be decided at the time of the reelection, but a 48 year old university staff accepted the new chairman as soon as possible. I am glad my term will be expired, I drank more alcohol than usual, and ate more than usual. It was hard for two years. There was no time to be restless with all the responsible times in the area such as athletic meetings, disaster prevention drills, fund raising activities and beautification activities. I will give the new president a baton and I will concentrate on my original doctor's work in the future. I thank everyone who cooperated for me until now, from the bottom of my heart. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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