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た。そして一般的に高齢になったら野菜中心で肉などは食べない方がよいと言われて きたが高齢になっても肉は必要だとの話もあった。最近の研究データーに基づいたお 話だと思うが肉や魚など一切食べないベジタリアンは一般の人より肉体的にも精神的 にも健康で長寿だとのデーターもあり、肉がお勧めの食品とは断言できないが、ヨー グルト、納豆、みそ汁は健康によいと思う。 The program "Mr. Hayashi's right now" was talking that the above-mentioned fermented food was good for both the body and the brain. And in general it is said that it is better not to eat meat etc. and vegetable is better when you are aged, but there is also a story that meat is necessary even if it is older. I think that it is a story based on recent research data, but vegetarians who do not eat at all such as meat and fish have data that they are healthy more than general people physically and mentally and have long lives. So I can’t always recommend the meat is good for health, but I recommend that yoghurt, natto, and miso soup are truly good for health. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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