ファミマTカードの会員ページ> ご利用明細照会 > ご請求内容の明細
より各月の買い物一覧をexcelに取り込みます 前提:ワークシート:accountにTcard番号,パスワードがあること。Tcard番号:1行1列、パスワート:2行1列 動作:月ごとにご請求内容の明細をブラウズ ワークシート名として、"年_月"の規則でワークシートを追加 追加したワークシートに一覧を取り込み "年_月"ワークシートがある場合その時点で止める 以下ソースです Sub Fichiran() Dim objIE0 As Object '対象画面を検索、なければ開く(必要に応じ使用してください) Set xShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") win_s = False For Each Window In xShell.Windows '対象URLが表示されているか? If TypeName(Window.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then If Window.Document.URL = "https://portal.expay.net/servlet/FTPoLogin" Then Set objIE0 = Window '対象URLが表示→その画面を使う win_s = True Exit For End If End If Next If win_s = False Then '対象URLが非表示→新しく画面を開く Set objIE0 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE0.Visible = True objIE0.Navigate "https://portal.expay.net/servlet/FTPoLogin" Call ie_wait(objIE0) End If objIE0.Document.all.loginID.Value = Worksheets("account").Cells(1, 1).Value '"" ' Tカード番号 objIE0.Document.all.pswd.Value = Worksheets("account").Cells(2, 1).Value ' 暗証番号 objIE0.Document.links(0).Click 'javascript:loginServ('FTPoLogin',%20'login') Call ie_wait(objIE0) Call link_click(objIE0, "text_inc", "明細照会") c = toridasi(objIE0) objIE0.Document.all.menu1.selectedIndex = 1 ' (前月): objIE0.Document.all.menu1.fireEvent ("onchange") Call ie_wait(objIE0) Call link_click(objIE0, "text_inc", "明細照会") c = toridasi(objIE0) objIE0.Document.all.menu1.selectedIndex = 2 ' (前々月 objIE0.Document.all.menu1.fireEvent ("onchange") Call ie_wait(objIE0) Call link_click(objIE0, "text_inc", "明細照会") c = toridasi(objIE0) End Sub Function toridasi(objIE As Object) As Integer Dim s As String toridasi = 0 s = objIE.Document.body.innerhtml nen = strmid(s, "<OPTION selected>", "年") tuki = strmid(s, "年", "月") 'tuki = strmid(s, ">", "<") sheet_n = nen & "_" & tuki On Error GoTo keke Sheets(sheet_n).Activate GoTo endd keke: On Error GoTo 0 toridasi = toridasi + 1 Set NewWS = Worksheets.Add '(After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")) With NewWS .Name = sheet_n ' .Columns.ColumnWidth = 20 End With Sheets(sheet_n).Activate s = strmid(s, "<TD class=text vAlign=top>ご利用明", "") s_pos = 2 Do Until InStr(s, "<TD borderColor=#666666 align=middle>") = 0 mono = strmid(s, "<TD borderColor=#666666 align=middle>", "<") yymmdd = strmid(s, "<TD borderColor=#666666 align=middle>", "<") shop = strmid(s, "<TD borderColor=#666666>", "<") gaku = strmid(s, "<TD borderColor=#666666 align=right>", "<") Cells(s_pos, 1).Value = yymmdd Cells(s_pos, 2).Value = shop Cells(s_pos, 3).Value = gaku s_pos = s_pos + 1 Loop endd: End Function Function strmid(ByRef org As String, ByVal mae As String, ByVal usiro As String) As String Pos = InStr(org, mae) If Pos > 0 Then strmid = Right(org, Len(org) - Pos - Len(mae) + 1) org = strmid Pos = InStr(strmid, usiro) If usiro = "" Then ' strmid = "" Else If Pos > 0 Then strmid = Left(strmid, Pos - 1) End If End If Else strmid = "" End If End Function Function link_click(objIE As Object, typ As String, v As String) As Integer link_click = -1 c = 0 For i = 0 To objIE.Document.links.Length - 1 If typ = "text" Then If objIE.Document.links(i).outertext = v Then objIE.Document.links(i).Click Call ie_wait(objIE) link_click = 0 Exit For End If End If If typ = "text_inc" Then If InStr(objIE.Document.links(i).outerHtml, v) > 0 Then objIE.Document.links(i).Click Call ie_wait(objIE) link_click = 0 Exit For End If End If If typ = "href" Then If objIE.Document.links(i).href = v Then objIE.Document.links(i).Click Call ie_wait(objIE) link_click = 0 Exit For End If End If If typ = "href_inc" Then If InStr(objIE.Document.links(i).href, v) > 0 Then objIE.Document.links(i).Click Call ie_wait(objIE) link_click = 0 Exit For End If End If If typ = "num" Then c = c + 1 If c = CStr(v) Then objIE.Document.links(i).Click Call ie_wait(objIE) link_click = 0 Exit For End If End If Next End Function Function ie_wait(objIE As Object) Do While objIE.Busy = True DoEvents Loop ' Do While objIE.Document.readyState <> "complete" DoEvents Loop End Function お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう