けど、覚えてもあんまり使わなさそうな単語ばっかりだなぁ。 ■mince:to walk in an unnatural way, taking short steps and moving your hips ■grub:カブトムシなどの幼虫 ■gay:はでな、鮮やかな(gay parrotというのはゲイのオウムではなく、色鮮やかなオウムのこと) ■deck:(動)~を飾る、装う ■toy:(動)いじくる、(飲食物に)おざなりに手をつける ■contrived:seeming false and not natural ■reconnaissance:偵察 ■wand:(魔法使いの)つえ ■perk:money, goods, or other advantages that you get from your job in addition to the money you are paid ■clutch:~をぐいと握る ■delegate:to give part of your work or the things you are responsible for to someone in a lower position than you ■withered:a withered arm or leg has not developed correctly and is thin and weak ■be snowed under (仕事などで)圧倒される、多忙である(with, by) ■outburst:a sudden powerful expression of strong emotion, especially anger ■stag beetle:クワガタムシ ●独占する:monopolize ●眼球:eyeball お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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