Sunday,october 23 fair
breakfast:coffee/pancake/yoghurt/banana/ lunch;nothing dinner:pork cutlet G19 She takes after her mother(talking about family) one to one 久しぶりのラッキーマンツーマンです。 最近英語の能力低下を感じるのでNOVAに行くペースを増やしてみようと決意しました。 今日は家族についてのトピック。それほど難しくない話題ですl He takes after his father. he's a cip off the old block. She gets it from her grandfather. (おじいさんとか、親戚から来てるもの) Like mother,like daughter. He's got his father's eyes and unfortunately,his receding hairline,too. My mother and I are the spitting image of each other. My sister and I look nothing like each other.She's blond and leggy while I'm short and dark. I always knew she'd be a designer,She used to spend hours making doll's clothes My mother takes after dad:rebellious and independent. My mom's a doctor, I think she expected me follow in her footsteps.but It's amazing to watch our son go from being a helpless baby to being able to sit up and crawl. My grandma's eyssight isn't what it used to be,but she stiil drives herself everywhere. When I was younger,I never felt I could relate to my father.But as I grow older, prone to tantrums (不機嫌、かんしゃく) inquisitive (好奇心のある) mischievous (いたずら好きな) reflective (思慮深い) rebellious (反抗的な) ○DRAMA:CHARMED 2 25. The Painted World Prue gets a painting from a women and starts to investigate it, noticing a light and a man appearing in the picture. An x-ray exposes a Latin incantation underneath the picture, and Prue is sucked in the painting. Her sisters don't believe her at first until Piper takes the picture home and says the incantation that gets her in the picture with her sister and a trapped man. Phoebe wants to get a job that requires an aptitude test, so she casts a 'smart spell' to gain instant knowledge in everything she absorbs. After she sees Piper getting sucked into the picture she finds that she doesn't need book sense as much as she needs common sense. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2005年10月23日 23時57分05秒
[英語学習] カテゴリの最新記事