最近は、仕事にかまけてどんどん英語力がおちてきているのうなきがするので、何とか勉強時間を確保してがんばりたいものです。 ちょっと今日は、久々のNOVAに気合いがいっていたためか、VOICEのチケットをついカードで買ってしまった。 今日VOICEはBRIANで、2つのチームに分かれ、geography,planetes,idiom,keyphrase,homephoneのgenreを選んで対戦すると言うゲームだが、意外とヨーロッパの地図の問題が難しいことにびっくりした。ちょっと復習しておこう。 G47 The punishment fits the crime? Do you think punishments given by courts are too harsh or too lenient these days? Why? Main Language The offender was given/sentenced to ... I don't see how you can justify giving a first offender a life sentence. The punishment seems excessive/lenient in relation to the crime. Considering difference factors It depends on/whether... You also have to consider... You should think about the effect on ... If you think about... then... shold have some influence on ... community service work that someone does to help other pople without being paid,especially as punishment for a crim. restitution the act of giving back something that was lost or stolen to its owenr,or pf paying for damage. parole permisson for someone to leave prison,on the condition that they promise to behave well. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2006年02月04日 23時35分12秒
[英語学習] カテゴリの最新記事