Sunday,February 19 cloudy
instructor:Brian students:3 G40 I can take it or leave it Do you have any pictures,posters or other pieces of art in your house? How would you describe them? Why did you choose them? ___________________________________________ Today's lesson was describing art. New words mood) seductive: sexually attractive style) surrealistic;seeming very strange mural art;a painting that is painted on a wall. ____________________________________________ Describing something It's done in kind of an abstract style. It's a cross between ... and... It's smimilar to some of Salvador Dali's work. Describing how something makes you feel. Whenever I see something like this,I ... I find it qutite.. ...does'nt really do anything for me. I can take it or leave it. Stating your preference. I'm really into stuff with bright colors because it liven up a room. I'm not particularly keen on surrealist paintings and drawings. I go for anything contemporary as long as it's not too silly. Pop art just isn' my thing I can't imagine this on my wall: it's too dark. _______________________________________________ This looks a bit silly. I don't know why people would call this art. It's just a bunch of scribbles. I love the composition of this. It's so dark and intense.It's so dark and intense. I really like stuff with lots of shadows in it. Comic sketches are't really my idea of art. I go for anything abstract. I love the black and whites circles in this. The guy looks really bored. It doesn't really do anything for me. ____________________________________________________________ 今月2回目のartについてのトピック 県内のビルディングは、単調なものが多く、芸術的な建物が少ない、公園にしても彫刻や、アートを感じさせるものがないとのブライアンの指摘。 そういう視点で見てみると徳島の建物には芸術的なセンスがないように感じられる、公園にしてももう少し芸術性が感じられる彫刻や壁画みたいなあってもいいのではないかと思う。 旅行に行ってみると、芸術家が多く育っているところは、周りに芸術を感じさせるものが多いような感じを受ける。 今日は、芸術の勉強をしてみよう。ルーブル美術館のサイトでもいってみようか。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2006年02月20日 00時25分26秒
[英語学習] カテゴリの最新記事