Wednesday,9 August
instructor:Alex Main language Explaining why help is neededSomething needs to be done to prevent... We should really try to help... Explaining how a charity can help Africaid is an organization that aims to... One way they're trying to help is by... Making comparisons In the short term,...whreas in the long term ... I can understand the importance of..., but for me...is a more pressing need. Aid for Africa is certainly a priority,but I believe this is outweighed by the need for... Explaining success stories They've already saved hundreds of lives by digging wells in drought-affected areas. Over the past ten years,they have... irrigation;supply land or crops with water お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2006年08月13日 17時29分26秒
[英語学習] カテゴリの最新記事