Monday,4 May fair 10:00
instructor: Alex students:Moto,kenji,Ayaka, アレックスのレッスンは久しぶりです。 今日は比較的スムーズにレッスンに入っていけましたが、みんなに負けている気がします。 もっと頑張らンといけいないと思います。 4月は、超多忙で勉強にならなかったので、5月から、少しずつ英語と中国語を頑張ろうと思います。 まず、英語のリーディングを中心に頑張ろう。 小さなことからこつこつと、頑張っていこう。 Today we were talking about pushing through hte language barrier. stagnate: to stop developing or making progress. fossilize: to become or form a fossil quote from Wiki Green Day. May 4 is one of national holidays called midori no hi (みどりの日), Greenery Day since 2007. Between 1989 and 2006 midori no hi was on April 29 and May 4 was called kokumin no kyujitsu (国民の休日), National Holiday. April 29 became Showa no hi (昭和の日), Day of Showa, since 2007 therefore May 4 became midori no hi instead. In that Greenery Day is dedicated to nature, it is similar to holidays such as Earth Day and Arbor Day. However, Greenery Day is not exactly the same as other environmentally focused holidays. Each holiday has its own meaning, history and tradition. topics:English website. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
2009年05月05日 08時59分39秒
[英語学習] カテゴリの最新記事